Belong to Us (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Belong to Us (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie, ‘Belong to Us,’ was released in 2018. It is a drama film about a family who forms a bond with an injured dog that escapes from a dog-fighting ring. The key characters are played by Joseph Lee Anderson, Ryan O’Nan, and Meagan Flynn.

Where it Filmed?

Belong to Us’ was filmed entirely in Kansas City, located in Missouri, USA.MV5BM2ZmZGQ3MjgtNTljYy00MjYwLWI1MTUtY2ZiZmQ1MzI3ZDU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjcwNzYwNDU@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ryan O’Nan Travis
Meagan Flynn Dr. Foster
Anita Cordell Rose
Frank Oakley III Detective Dale Brady
Brooklyn Funk Paige
Michelle Daugharthy Robin
Kristin Rea School Teacher
Chad Crenshaw Mitch
Matthew J. Lindblom Decklin
Scott Cordes Mercer
Kathleen Warfel Hazel
Trevor Martin Charlie
Jennifer Femiano Dr. Alan
Owen Winkler Brandon
Dawn Linneman Rita
Eboni Fondren Ms. Holler
Tobi Omodehinde Nurse
Makenna Williams Andrea
Kay Haas Lorna
Melissa Tan Dr. Evans
Bill Bergman Old Guy
Joe Brown Duece
Jon Daugharthy Peety
Michael Reiser Corey
Evan Lovelace Jake


Trivia and Facts

  • Director Patrick Rea and writer Amber Rapp worked together to bring this story to the big screen.
  • The film won 1 award and received reviews from 6 users.
  • The movie runs for a duration of 84 minutes.
  • The film was internationally recognized and was known as ‘Um Amor de Filhote’ in Brazil, ‘Kutyaszeretet’ in Hungary, and ‘Самый лучший друг’ in Russia.
  • Some of the notable cast members are Joseph Lee Anderson who played Lyle, Ryan O’Nan who played Travis, and Meagan Flynn who played Dr. Foster.
  • The film involved a dedicated production team including makeup artists, sound engineers, production managers, and assistant directors.
  • The film was distributed by Great Movies Distribution in Brazil in 2020.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Kansas City, Missouri, USA
    • Latitude: 39.0997265
    • Longitude: -94.5785667
    • Place ID: ChIJl5npr173wIcRolGqauYlhVU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Kansas City, MO, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago