Bee Season (2005) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Bee Season (2005) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Bee Season” is a movie from 2005 which is a mix of drama and family genre, it was released in Australia on 17th November 2005. Renowned actors like Richard Gere, Juliette Binoche and Flora Cross have played key roles in this film. The content below presents details about where the film was shot, as well as some fun and lesser-known facts and information about the movie and its making.

Where it Filmed?

“Bee Season” was filmed in a number of different locations in the United States. The production visited several sites in California including 1075 Mariposa Avenue in Berkeley, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Oakland, the cities of Alameda and Albany, as well as Altenheim 1720 MacArthur Boulevard located in the Fruitvale District of Oakland. The filming of Bee Season started from 29th January 2004.MV5BMTc4MjQzODk1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMDk4ODA3. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Richard Gere Saul
Juliette Binoche Miriam
Flora Cross Eliza
Max Minghella Aaron
Kate Bosworth Chali
Corey Fischer National Spelling Bee Pronouncer
Sam Zuckerman National Spelling Bee Judge
Joan Mankin Ms. Bergermeyer
Piers Mackenzie Dr. Morris
Lorri Holt Ms. Rai
Brian Leonard Mr. Julien
Jamal Thornes Wiseacre Boy’s Mate
Kathy McGraw Regional Bee Pronouncer
John Evans Regional Bee Judge
Alisha Mullally Young Miriam
John R. Searle Self
Seamus Genovese Priest
Andrew Murray Young Aaron
Olivia Charles State Bee Judge
Sujata Balu Indian Woman
Steven Anthony Jones Sergeant
David Ryan Smith Nurse
Velina Brown Hotel Housekeeper
Robyn Blair Melanie
Justin Alioto Kevin
Alex Keel Sinna Bhagudori
Justin Ping Yuan Li Chan
Anthony Ybarra ‘Sequel’ Speller
Ben Johnson ‘Orangutan’ Speller
Taylor Kane ‘Coyote’ Speller
Derek Wong ‘Oasis’ Speller
Anand Zala ‘Staccato’ Speller
Samuel Richman ‘Hoodlum’ Speller
Mickey Boxell ‘Lorgnette’ Speller
Maya Ramchandran ‘Daguerreotype’ Speller
Neil Chalaka ‘Glissando’ Speller
Gaayatri Kaundinya ‘Selenic’ Speller
Charlotte Musengwa ‘Duvetyn’ Speller
Nikil Balakrishnan ‘Peripatetic’ Speller
Isaiah Aglibot Bryant ‘Thoracic’ Speller
Alison Doyle National Spelling Bee Winner
Emily Trumble ‘Iridian’ Speller
Nathan Calixto ‘Ecchymosis’ Speller
Simon M. Ehrlich ‘Succotash’ Speller
Nick Taber ‘Abiogenist’ Speller
Gautam Krishnamurthi ‘Strongylid’ Speller
Corey Rateau ‘Noctivagant’ Speller
Patricia R. Floyd Voice Actor (voice)
Timothy Gulan Voice Actor (voice)
Betsy Hogg Voice Actor (voice)
Jennifer Perito Voice Actor (voice)
Kristin Reeves Voice Actor (voice)
Rose Stockton Voice Actor (voice)
Marlon Suson Voice Actor (voice)
Michael Tommer Voice Actor (voice)
Arden Winant Voice Actor (voice)
Bruce Winant Voice Actor (voice)
Vanessa Lemonides Special Voicing (voice)
Dann Fink Special Voicing (voice)
Anna Maria Perez de Tagle Bee Season #1
Jaime Soria Spelling Bee Parent
Helen Amey Audience Member (uncredited)
Joseph Amey Audience Member (uncredited)
Alissa Anderegg Spelling Bee Student (uncredited)
Diane Anderson-Minshall Audience Member (uncredited)
Heather Barberie Lab Assistant (uncredited)
Christa Bella Audience Member (uncredited)
Mia Bernardino Eliza’s Classmate (uncredited)
Chandler Bolt Student (uncredited)
Mike Borg Bee Contestant’s Father (uncredited)
Domenic Bove Spelling Bee Contestant (uncredited)
Cynthia Brian Librarian (uncredited)
Cynthia Lea Clark Photographer (uncredited)
Alex Couey Audience Member (uncredited)
Jared Dorrance Spelling Bee Student (uncredited)
Michael Dunn Audience Member (uncredited)
April Eaton Spelling Bee Contestant (uncredited)
Cathy Fithian Elevator Mom (uncredited)
Terri J. Freedman Comfort Counselor (uncredited)
Chung Ginger Self (uncredited)
Johnny Guerra Spelling Bee Audience (uncredited)
Juan Guerra Audience Member (uncredited)
Brandon Haas Spelling Bee Student (uncredited)
David Hern Bell Judge (uncredited)
Karina Hsieh Spelling Bee Contestant (uncredited)
Mason Hsieh Nervous Spelling Bee contestant (uncredited)
Kevin Jaskela Family Member (uncredited)
Rick Kain Yuppy Dad (uncredited)
Douglas Kampner Father (uncredited)
Branden Weslee Kong Audience Member (uncredited)
Shaun Landry Patient (uncredited)
Thomas Loher Audience Member (uncredited)
Annie Lore Audience Member (uncredited)
Jules McClellan Lady in audience (uncredited)
Florentine Mocanu Nurse (uncredited)
Tam Nguyen Classroom Student (uncredited)
Marcus Niehaus Student (uncredited)
Scott Palmer Congressman (uncredited)
David Alan Poe Audience Member (uncredited)
Pat Ridley Audience Member (uncredited)
Alexandra Rieger Spelling Bee Student #73 (uncredited)
Jennifer Robertson Family Member (uncredited)
Angie Ruiz Kabbalah Student (uncredited)
Michael Sandow (uncredited)
Peggy Sandow Mother (uncredited)
Bobby Sharpe Self (uncredited)
Ezra J. Stanley Student (uncredited)
Lorraine Stuart Audience Member (uncredited)
Marisa Swain Student (uncredited)
Jonathan Tucker Student (uncredited)
James D. Weston II Parent (uncredited)
Kuvaleshaya Zakheim Hare Krishna Temple Greeter (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The film is directed by Scott McGehee and David Siegel.
  • The screenwriters were Myla Goldberg and Naomi Foner.
  • Apart from Richard Gere, Juliette Binoche and Flora Cross, other actors like Max Minghella, Kate Bosworth, Corey Fischer and more have also acted in the movie.
  • The storyline revolves around Miriam, played by Juliette Binoche, who experiences emotional turmoil as her husband, played by Richard Gere, diverts his attention to their daughter’s, played by Flora Cross, spelling bee championship.
  • The movie has received 1 award nomination.
  • It has received a total of 81 reviews from users and 50 from critics.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: 1075 Mariposa Avenue, Berkeley, California, USA
    • Latitude: 37.8874267
    • Longitude: -122.2713039
    • Place ID: ChIJy-BEzK5-hYAR_CD7UrT0SFk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1075 Mariposa Ave, Berkeley, CA 94707, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Albany, California, USA
    • Latitude: 37.886704
    • Longitude: -122.2977557
    • Place ID: ChIJPQVb0tJ4hYARLxEHP9E4sNU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Albany, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles