Be My Teacher (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Be My Teacher (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Be My Teacher” made its debut in 2009. It tells a captivating tale about a relationship between a student, named Evan, and his English teacher, Alecia Willis. The movie follows their experience and highlights interesting backstage facts along with a deeper understanding of the film’s making process.

Where it Filmed?

“Be My Teacher”, the drama and romance movie was shot in Texas, USA. The filming took place over a span of a little over a month, beginning on March 9, 2009, and wrapping up on April 15, 2009.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Derek Lee Nixon Evan
John Devereaux David
Kari Gillespie Taylor
Jonathan Irving Kelon
Edrick Browne Sam
Beth Hopp Elodie
Clayton Prawl Officer
Adrienne Dena Lady 2
Travis Bowers Student
Javier Hernandez Student
Emily Kelley Waitress
Conner Peacock Kevin
Bilal Zahran Student

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is about a mature high school student named Evan who falls in love with his English teacher, Alecia Willis, and does everything he can to win her over.
  • The director, Lakisha R. Lemons, also penned the entire drama.
  • The crucial roles in the movie were played by Derek Lee Nixon, LaTeace Towns-Cuellar and John Devereaux.
  • Other crew members included Charles H. Irving as the executive producer, and Frank White as the associate producer.
  • The movie was produced under Storm Productions and distributed by Maverick Entertainment in the USA.
  • This movie was the debut of DomiNque Perry.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 31.9685988
    • Longitude: -99.9018131
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Texas, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago