Bad Is Bad (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Bad Is Bad (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a brief profile of two films: “Bad Is Bad”(2011) and “Bad Influence”(1990). We will explore where these films were made, who the key actors in them were, and get a glimpse of some behind-the-scenes facts. Interesting trivia will also be shared.

Where it Filmed?

“Bad Is Bad” was filmed in various locations across the United States, including Richmond and the broader Virginia area. Detailed filming dates are not specified. “Bad Influence,” on the other hand, was filmed at unique spots in Los Angeles, California, such as the seafront bar on Manhattan Beach, the artists’ hangout Chez Jay on Ocean Avenue, and La Brea Tar Pits & Museum on Wilshire Boulevard. There is also a scene at the oil fields on Baldwin Hills on La Cienega Boulevard.MV5BMTc5MDc4MTU5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTMzMzU1MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Chris Fornataro Jesse
Bill Brock George
Kevin Gottschalk Ray
Alexis Baker Katie
Grady Bing James
Samuel Bruce Lapinski
Maddie Chasen Karen
James Craig Truck Driver
Sean Gottschalk Carl / Chet Cuffney (voice)
Kent Lamm Truck Passenger – Backseat
Travis Lane Truck Passenger
Burke Mohan Self
Ellis Noble Shane
Jake Noble Jack
Jade Williamson Waitress


Trivia and Facts

In “Bad Influence,” Rob Lowe plays a tempting character who leads a meek officeworker, played by James Spader, into a life of indulgence. Curtis Hanson directed the film, while David Koepp, the writer for Jurassic Park wrote the screenplay. Famous locations like Chez Jay and La Brea Tar Pits & Museum were used as filming spots. A fun fact about Chez Jay is that one of its peanuts was once taken to the moon and back by astronaut Alan Shepard! “Bad Is Bad” is a drama-thriller directed by Kent Lamm, starring Chris Fornataro, Bill Brock, Kevin Gottschalk, and others.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Richmond, Virginia, USA
    • Latitude: 37.5407246
    • Longitude: -77.4360481
    • Place ID: ChIJ7cmZVwkRsYkRxTxC4m0-2L8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Richmond, VA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: USA
    • Latitude: 44.24236485
    • Longitude: -119.8093025
    • Place ID: ChIJCzYy5IS16lQRQrfeQ5K5Oxw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: United States
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles