Angels Crest (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Angels Crest (2002) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie ‘Angels Crest’ that was released in 2002, is a thriller movie directed by J. Michael Couto and acted by stars like Chris Bauer, Currie Graham and the director himself. In this section, we will discuss the various locations where the movie was filmed and also delve into some interesting facts related to the movie.

Where it Filmed?

Angels Crest’ was filmed in several locations across California, USA. The movie scenes were shot specifically in Angelus Oaks, Palmdale, and San Bernardino National Forest. These beautiful locations added to the movie’s visual appeal. Unfortunately, specific filming dates aren’t available at the moment.MV5BMTQ3MTkyNTQ0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTA3NTgwMzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Chris Bauer Teddy
Currie Graham Richard
J. Michael Couto Gas Station Cashier

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed by J. Michael Couto who also contributed to the scriptwriting and played a role as a GAS Station Cashier.
  • Angelus Oaks, Palmdale and San Bernardino National Forest were chosen for their picturesque landscapes.
  • Some of the producers for this movie are Sal Albanese, Jennifer Booth, Lindsay Chag, David Chilewich and Larry Jackson.
  • Fuzzbee Morse composed the music for this thriller movie.
  • Casting was directed by Chris Jones, while cinematography was looked after by Cameron Cutler and everything was edited by Robert Komatsu and Vanessa Newell.
  • The movie seems to have revolved around the theme of revenge, hinted by the line “A Nightmare Is Waiting in The Woods…”
  • The movie is also known as ‘Broken – Engel des Todes’ in Germany.
  • Despite offering no parental guidance or advisory, it managed to receive an R-rating in the United States and a rating of 18 in Germany.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Angelus Oaks, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.1458435
    • Longitude: -116.9825321
    • Place ID: ChIJH8MnVGBN24ARK7432lyJNyE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Angelus Oaks, CA 92305, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: San Bernardino National Forest, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0567872
    • Longitude: -116.9478281
    • Place ID: ChIJySpv4-hS24ARMsSjzYe-904
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Bernardino National Forest, Big Bear, CA 92314, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles