American Made (2017) Filming Locations and Cast Details

American Made (2017) Filming Locations and Cast Details

American Made is a popular movie from 2017, featuring an exciting blend of action and comedy. The film tells the thrilling story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s, an operation that led to the Iran-Contra Affair. The film stars big-name actors like Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson, and Sarah Wright.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of American Made took place in several locations across the globe. These include Ball Ground and Atlanta in Georgia, USA, as well as Madison, a city of the same state. The movie also has some scenes shot in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Outside the US, Medellin in Colombia served as a filming location. The filming of the movie spanned several dates starting from May 18, 2015, through February 2017.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Tom Cruise Barry Seal
Domhnall Gleeson Monty ‘Schafer’
Sarah Wright Lucy Seal
Jesse Plemons Sheriff Downing
Caleb Landry Jones JB
Lola Kirke Judy Downing
Jayma Mays Dana Sibota
Alejandro Edda Jorge Ochoa
Benito Martinez James Rangel
E. Roger Mitchell Agent Craig McCall
Jed Rees Louis Finkle
Mauricio Mejía Pablo Escobar
Robert Farrior Oliver North
Morgan Hinkleman Christina
Alberto Ospino Manuel Noriega
Felipe Bernedette Translator
Daniel Lugo Adolfo Calero
Jayson Warner Smith Bill Cooper (Snowbird #1)
April Billingsley Stewardess
Lauren Boyd Secretary
Lauren Revard Teller
Marcus Hester Parka
Mike Pniewski Willie (State Police)
Frank Licari DEA Agent #1
Alex Collins ATF #1
Scott Poythress ATF #2
Connor Trinneer George W. Bush / Texan
Alpha Trivette Judge Linkletter
DeVere Jehl Plain Clothed Man
Emilio Sierra Héctor (Colombian Driver)
Leon Lamar Elderly Man
Tony Guerrero Federico Vaughan
Maria Howell NSC Woman
Darla Delgado Customs Agent
Justice Leak DEA Agent Winter
Robert Pralgo Gary (Cubicle Mate)
Mickey Sumner North’s Aide Fawn Hall
Daniel Thomas May CIA Man
Chloe Swan Sparwath LeAnn
Alex Quarles Aaron
Zachary Powell Dean
Byron Wigfall Contra #1
Matt Mercurio FBI Analyst
Jairo Ordoñez Scar
Jeff Olsen State Trooper
Stephen Conroy Military Police / Advisor
Juan Esteban Ramírez Toro Antonio (Bull Fighter)
Muhammad Ali Self (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Emmy Allin Flight Attendant Anna (uncredited)
Chris Angerdina Airport Passenger (uncredited)
Nargis Aniston Flight Attendant (uncredited)
John L. Armijo Honduran Soldier (uncredited)
Jon Arthur Federal Agent (uncredited)
Se Ba Motel Girl (uncredited)
Gralen Bryant Banks Radio Host #1 (uncredited)
Tony Beard CIA Agent (uncredited)
Brett Beoubay DEA Agent (uncredited)
Na Bil Motel Boy (uncredited)
Bill Billions Radar Op. #1 (uncredited)
Carter Birchwell Young Dean (uncredited)
Jb Blaine Flight School Boy (uncredited)
Míkhaiah Blake Parisienne Stewardess (uncredited)
Brad Blanchard NSA Agent (uncredited)
Bradley Bowen US Customs Officer Cunningham (uncredited)
Dawlish Carmauta Passanger (uncredited)
Derek Carver FBI Agent (uncredited)
Cuyle Carvin Phil (uncredited)
Carl A. Chauvin Day Laborer (uncredited)
Michelle L. Clarke Fundraising Patron (uncredited)
Alissa Collins Flight Attendant (uncredited)
Sharon Conley DEA Agent Grace (uncredited)
William Curtis Coppersmith NSC Agent (uncredited)
Steve Coulter Buzz Sawyer (Snowbird #4) (uncredited)
Leslie Danielsen Flight Attendant (uncredited)
Stephen Dean CIA Agent (uncredited)
Javier Diaz Truck Driver (uncredited)
Dino Dos Santos Contra (uncredited)
John Duley Baton Rouge Passenger (uncredited)
Calen Curtis Edwards DEA Agent (uncredited)
Scott Everett Drug Dealer (uncredited)
Mario Fernandez Vagrant (uncredited)
Jason Fortuna Pawn Store Customer (uncredited)
William Frasca DEA Agent (uncredited)
Dudley Fuqua Vagrant (uncredited)
Fred Galle Senator National Security Committee (uncredited)
Chris Gann Donor #2 (uncredited)
Juan Gaspard Day Laborer (uncredited)
Derrick Gilbert David Johnson (uncredited)
Jim Gleason Donor #1 (uncredited)
Lara Grice Female Reporter (uncredited)
Bob Hartnack CIA Agent (uncredited)
Robert Hatch Arkansas State Trooper (uncredited)
Billy James Drug Dealer (uncredited)
Alicia Davis Johnson Neighbor (uncredited)
Matthew Jolly Count Room Employee (uncredited)
Andrew R. Kaplan Auctioneer (uncredited)
Kishan Khona CIA Agent (uncredited)
Steve Kish DEA Agent (uncredited)
Joe Knezevich Dan (uncredited)
Inder Kumar Middle Eastern Auction Bidder (uncredited)
Omar Lagudali Vaughn’s Military Bodygaurd (uncredited)
Demetri Landell Pizza Delivery Guy (uncredited)
Douglas LaPonzina FBI Agent (uncredited)
Robert Larriviere Radar Sup. (uncredited)
Hayley H. Long George H. Bush’s Secretary (uncredited)
Rhes Low NSC Guy (uncredited)
John Archer Lundgren Airline Passenger (uncredited)
Walter Mall DEA Pilot #1 (uncredited)
Dorry Marie Passenger (uncredited)
Edward Marrero Contra (uncredited)
Hans Marrero Colombian Assassin #1 (uncredited)
Miguel Angel Marrero Contra (uncredited)
Eric McCrea Winter Passenger (uncredited)
Rickye McGowan Passenger (uncredited)
Michael Mercaldi Sandinista (uncredited)
Noel Mirabal Vaughn’s Body Guard (uncredited)
Robert Lloyd Moore DEA Agent (uncredited)
Duane Moseley Day Laborer (uncredited)
Shawn Mousavi Sheik (uncredited)
Rob Muller NSC Agent (uncredited)
Jody Mullins DEA Pilot #2 (uncredited)
Mandy Oakes Airport Passenger (uncredited)
Jay Oliver Chubbys Chicken Patron (uncredited)
Johnny Otto Pilot (uncredited)
Cameron Padgett CIA Agent (uncredited)
Kayla Perkins Waitress (uncredited)
Anna Phillips Stewardess (uncredited)
George Pringle State Trooper (uncredited)
Nancy Reagan Self (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Ronald Reagan Self (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Carolina Roberts Pablo Escobar’s Wife (uncredited)
Luis Sanchez El Paso Passenger (uncredited)
Shaker Sangam Aeroplane Bidder (uncredited)
Patti Schellhaas Airplane Passenger (uncredited)
David Silverman Seedy Man (uncredited)
Chris Smith Airline Passenger (uncredited)
Dan Southworth Agent Winters (uncredited)
Jonathan Tabler CIA Chief (uncredited)
Corey Jason Thomas Actor (Airport Scene Background) (uncredited)
Mateo Uribe Sandinista (uncredited)
Christopher Van Escobar Business Man (uncredited)
Ruben Vidal Vaughn Body Guard #1 (uncredited)
Eli Wanounou Middle Eastern Bidder (uncredited)
Andrew Ward Military Truck Driver / soldier (uncredited)
Wes Weems Arkansas State Trooper (uncredited)
Bobby ‘JoJo’ White Homeless Clerance (uncredited)
Aaron Wiggins FBI Agent (uncredited)
Callan Wilson Young Barry (uncredited)
Jonathan Yaskoff DEA Agent (uncredited)
David Zalkind Radio Host (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • Directed by Doug Liman, interestingly, American Made has been nominated for 3 awards.
  • Written by Gary Spinelli, the film has been critically acclaimed and has received 390 user reviews.
  • The film also stars other talented actors like Jesse Plemons, Caleb Landry Jones, Lola Kirke, and Jayma Mays.
  • Interestingly, the on-screen character ‘Carlos Lehder’ is played by the actor Fredy Yate, who is credited as ‘Fredy Yate Escobar’ in the film.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Ball Ground, Georgia, USA
    • Latitude: 34.3372664
    • Longitude: -84.3779515
    • Place ID: ChIJQ_aVN9549YgRrwpOhR-vR1A
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Ball Ground, GA 30107, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Medellin, Colombia
    • Latitude: 6.2476376
    • Longitude: -75.56581530000001
    • Place ID: ChIJBa0PuN8oRI4RVju1x_x8E0I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Medellín, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia
    • Timezone: America/Bogota
  • Location Name: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.95106579999999
    • Longitude: -90.0715323
    • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRtNMiXuhbBts
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New Orleans, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Madison, Georgia, USA
    • Latitude: 33.5956813
    • Longitude: -83.467944
    • Place ID: ChIJZQ4LYwmH9ogRRWDLXQy3lhk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Madison, GA 30650, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York

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