Alita: Battle Angel (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Alita: Battle Angel (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Alita: Battle Angel” is a movie published in 2019. The story tells about a revived cyborg, Alita, who can’t remember her past and she goes on a quest to rediscover herself. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, the movie features Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz, and Jennifer Connelly in prominent roles.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “Alita: Battle Angel” was filmed in various locations. Some of these sites include Austin, Texas, Dallas, Texas, Texas, USA, Chicago, Illinois, and Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico. The filming took place between October 17, 2016, and February 9, 2017.MV5BNjg2OTc0NzcwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzQzNjQ3NjM@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Rosa Salazar Alita
Christoph Waltz Dr. Dyson Ido
Jennifer Connelly Chiren
Mahershala Ali Vector
Ed Skrein Zapan
Jackie Earle Haley Grewishka
Keean Johnson Hugo
Jorge Lendeborg Jr. Tanji
Lana Condor Koyomi
Idara Victor Nurse Gerhad
Jeff Fahey McTeague
Eiza González Nyssiana
Derek Mears Romo
Leonard Wu Kinuba
Marko Zaror Ajakutty
Rick Yune Master Clive Lee
Hugo Perez Jacked Cyborg
Casper Van Dien Amok
Billy Blair Zapan’s Cronie
Jamie Landau Zapan Cronie 2
Dimitrius Pulido Cyborg Jacking Victim
Patrick Gathron Antioch
Elle LaMont Screwhead
Alex Livinalli Blue Wingman
Neal Kodinsky Red Wingman
Anthony Bandmann Mace
Sam Medina Stinger
Tod Junker Exploder
John Wirt Cyborg Factory Worker
Darcel Danielle Young Factory Worker
Emma Lindsey Ido’s Daughter
Garrett Warren Barkeep
Tony LaThanh Hunter Warrior 1
Jorge A. Jimenez Hunter Warrior 2
Vincent Fuentes Ed
Gregg Berger Deckman
David Sobolov Centurion (voice)
Jeff Bottoms Motorball Announcer (voice)
Erica Francoise Abraham Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Charles Adams Townsperson (uncredited)
Randy E. Aguebor Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Dennis Alcorn Iron City Drifter (uncredited)
Patrick Aleo Iron City Resident / Motorball Superfan (uncredited)
Maria Alexandra Cyborg Hero (uncredited)
Samuel Ali Iron City Mechanic (uncredited)
Marina Aligh Kinuba’s Girl (uncredited)
Tuana Allen Big Kid (uncredited)
Antoinette Anders Iron City Resident (uncredited)
John Anderson Cheering Audience (uncredited)
Esther April Koyomi’s Crew Girl (uncredited)
Darian Baker Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Tyler Banner Construction Worker (uncredited)
Jenny Biggs Hunter / Warrior (uncredited)
Matt Blackwell Cyborg / Partial Cyborg (uncredited)
Rosalind Branch-Muhammad Shopper (uncredited)
Mike ‘King Co’ Brown Bodyguard (uncredited)
Chase Bryant Cyborg (uncredited)
Michael W. Bunch Iron City Mechanic / Resident / Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Rhonda Burnette Motor Ball Spectator (uncredited)
Sam Cantu Cyborg (uncredited)
Gene Cervenka Bodyguard (uncredited)
Brittany Cofer Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Terrie Cooklin Cheering Crowd / Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Phil Cory Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Jai Courtney Jashugan (uncredited)
Ellen Crouch Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Joshua Curttright Iron City Drunk (uncredited)
Juan Cuspinera Hunter Warrior (uncredited)
Will David Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Torren Davis Motor Ball Fan / CGI Spectator (uncredited)
Miranda Denmon Hunter Warrior (uncredited)
Brittany Diaz Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Cindy Dire Iron City Shopper (uncredited)
Jarrod Dixon Cyborg (uncredited)
Adam Dobie Guard (uncredited)
Kendra Dobson Shopper (uncredited)
Calen Curtis Edwards Pedi Cab Driver (uncredited)
Mike Ettnie Ajakutty Pit Crew (uncredited)
Sunday Flint Motorball Superfan (uncredited)
Bill Foster Drunk (uncredited)
Devon Foster Iron City Pedestrian (uncredited)
Lacey Franks Towns People (uncredited)
David Freeman Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Harald Galinski Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Gabrielle Gamboa Village shopper (uncredited)
Michael L Garcia Jr. Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Gerald J. Garza Spectator (uncredited)
Viridiana Garza Shopper (uncredited)
Derrick Gilbert Big Kid (uncredited)
Jason Gish Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Violet Gotsis Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Laura Griffin Street vendor / Biker / Motorball Superfan (uncredited)
Tony Guerrero Vector Guard (uncredited)
Christine Gwosdz Bar Patron (uncredited)
Colin Haag Jr. Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Noemi Haig Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Eddy Hal Motorball Spectator (uncredited)
Nathan Haley Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Tootie Hall Market Vendor (uncredited)
Victoria Hardway Town people (uncredited)
Nina Hargis Motorball Superfan (uncredited)
Shannon Kee Haymond Towns Person (uncredited)
Trezure Hunter Cyborg Hero (uncredited)
Vitalii Ineshin Iron City resident (uncredited)
Andrea Ivins Alita Fan Motorball (uncredited)
Lyn Jagger Town Person (uncredited)
Amanda Julian Johnson Partial Cyborg Refugee (uncredited)
Annabelle Jones Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Jared Michael Jones Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Inertia Justice Street Shopper (uncredited)
Eddie Kantor Pedestrian (uncredited)
Jonathan D. Karpicke Motorball Fan (uncredited)
King Shopkeeper (uncredited)
Evan King Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Gregory Charles Lane Pawn Shop Owner (uncredited)
Stephen Latham Motorball Security Guard (uncredited)
Rick Lee Trollie Hopper Driver (uncredited)
Lindsey Lemke Partial Cyborg (uncredited)
Jo Lorio Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Travis Loteck Kid Getting Kicked Out (uncredited)
Earl Loveday Iron City Drunk (uncredited)
Casie Luong Cyborg (uncredited)
Jordan Mack Hugo’s Buddy #1 (uncredited)
Adam Madrigal One Armed Cyborg (uncredited)
Joshua Lewis Magee Iron City Cyborg / Street Spectator (uncredited)
Zara Majidpour Barwoman / Shopper / Pedestrian (uncredited)
Drake Malone Ajakutty Pit Crew (uncredited)
Paulina Manseau Bar Customer (uncredited)
Carl Martin Townie (uncredited)
Andrew Martinez Motorball Superfan (uncredited)
Betsy Medina Village Girl (uncredited)
Cat Merritt Bar Patron (uncredited)
Dakota Millett Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Colin Mingee Bar Patron (uncredited)
Josiah Missick Iron City Citizen (uncredited)
Lauren Montemayor Big Kid (uncredited)
Alex Moore Girl in Window (uncredited)
Robert Lloyd Moore Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Tessa Yvonne Morrison Cute Motorball Spectator (uncredited)
Sonya Nguyen Shopper (uncredited)
Devin Northrip Motorball Superfan (uncredited)
Edward Norton Nova (uncredited)
David Ryan O’Rourke Pedestrian (uncredited)
Violeta Ortega Cyborg (uncredited)
Marcus J. Parker Vector Guard (uncredited)
Chad Parma Mr. Shopper (uncredited)
Dominique Patridge Bodyguard (uncredited)
Andre Pelzer Cyborg (uncredited)
Addison Dawn Perry-Franks Restuarant Patron (uncredited)
Joella Phillip Townie (uncredited)
Jessica Polk Iron City Worker (uncredited)
Rachel Prieto CGI Cyborg Hero (uncredited)
Conrad Ramirez Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Angela Ravitch Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Rodrigo Reinoso Pit Crew (uncredited)
Kristina Rev Punk Rocker BG (uncredited)
AJ Reyes Bar Patron / Pedestrian (uncredited)
Felicia M. Reyes Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Matt Rifley Ajakutty Pit Crew (uncredited)
Charlotte Delaney Riggs Big Kid (uncredited)
Tristan Riggs Big Kid (uncredited)
Misty Riley Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Katusha Robert Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Michelle Rodriguez Gelda (uncredited)
Perla Rodríguez Spectator (uncredited)
Albert Serna Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Liza Slaughter Cyborg (uncredited)
James Smith Motor Pit Security (uncredited)
Michelle Smith Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Richard Stebbins Factory Worker (uncredited)
Mark Dwight Stewart Bar Patron (uncredited)
Jeffrey Stirl Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Elizabeth Tabish Waitress (uncredited)
Tony Tamayo Townsperson (uncredited)
Stan Taylor Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Gary Teague Ukulele Man (uncredited)
Carl Thomas Barbershop Owner / Street Vendor (uncredited)
William Throckmorton Ajakutty Pit Crew (uncredited)
Heriyanto Tio Pit Crew (uncredited)
Kenneth Lee Tolbert Hunter Warrior (uncredited)
Michael Love Toliver Resident (uncredited)
D. Darrell Turner Motor Ball (uncredited)
Alicia Underwood Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Liz Vera Iron City Resident and Town Resident (uncredited)
Tyler Vogel Cyborg (uncredited)
Michael Wakefield Security (uncredited)
Tod Waters Exploder (uncredited)
Stephanie West Village Girl (uncredited)
Mark A. White Iron City Worker (uncredited)
Gregory Alexander Wight Hunter Warrior (uncredited)
Amanda Marie Wilkinson Spectator (uncredited)
Andrew Wills Cheering Crowd / Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Christopher Winbush Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Chelsea Woods Iron City Resident (uncredited)
Heath Young Peddlecab Driver / Ironcity Worker / Cyborg Motorball Fan (uncredited)
Keil Oakley Zepernick Bar Patron (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • Alita: Battle Angel is a PG-13 movie run-time of approximately 2 hours and 2 minutes.
  • The movie belongs to the Action and Adventure genre. It was released on February 8, 2019.
  • This movie has a decorated list of awards, having 10 wins and 25 nominations.
  • The movie received numerous reviews, including 2,970 user reviews and 401 critic reviews.
  • Some other notable cast members include Mahershala Ali (as Vector), Ed Skrein (as Zapan), Jackie Earle Haley (as Grewishka), Keean Johnson (as Hugo), and others.

MV5BMTc5MDI3Njg4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzE5Mjc0NjM@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Dallas, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 32.7766642
    • Longitude: -96.79698789999999
    • Place ID: ChIJS5dFe_cZTIYRj2dH9qSb7Lk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Dallas, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 31.9685988
    • Longitude: -99.9018131
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Texas, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Latitude: 41.8781136
    • Longitude: -87.6297982
    • Place ID: ChIJ7cv00DwsDogRAMDACa2m4K8
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Chicago, IL, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico
    • Latitude: 19.4326077
    • Longitude: -99.133208
    • Place ID: ChIJB3UJ2yYAzoURQeheJnYQBlQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico
    • Timezone: America/Mexico_City

MV5BMjQyNTA2NzMyN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODE5Mjc0NjM@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BMjUyOTYwNjA3MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTE5Mjc0NjM@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BMjA3NjEwMDY3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ1MTQzNDM@. V1 QL75 UX820