Alcatraz (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Alcatraz (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is about the movie “Alcatraz” that debuted in 2018. It tells the story of a group of prisoners led by an armed thief and a gangster who try to escape from the infamous Alcatraz Island. The main characters are played by Derek Nelson, Erick Hayden, and Mark Homer. Let’s learn more about the locations where the film was shot and some intriguing facts about the movie and its backstage happenings.

Where it Filmed?

The movie Alcatraz was filmed at two main locations: San Francisco, California, USA, and Wales, UK. The filming took place over a certain period of time, but the exact dates are not provided.MV5BNWRiZGRjOGQtZjIzYy00MDc0LWIwYzktYTJlMTJlMWVkZjk5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjc4NzY1MTM@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Derek Nelson Clarence
Erick Hayden Warden Johnston
Mark Homer Sam
Nicholas Anscombe Officer Miller
Lee Bane Officer Lageson
Patrick O’Donnell Joe
Harriet Rees Alice
Christian Roberts Prisoner / Soldier
Jared Nelson Officer Weinhold
Gareth Lawrence Bernie
Ryan Michaels General Stilwell
Travis Booth-Millard Nags
Tim Larkfield Lieutenant Bergen
Christopher Bennett Prisoner / Soldier
Matthew Leigh Maggs Prisoner / Soldier
Kerry Mills Dallesandro
Luke Antony Marvin
David Bridle Prisoner

Trivia and Facts

  • The interiors of the prison in the movie were actually filmed at the Old Police Cells Museum in Brighton and at The Island’s Police Cells in Bristol, UK.
  • For authenticity, some of the exterior footage and additional interior shots were filmed at the real Alcatraz prison in San Francisco, which now operates as a tourist attraction.
  • There’s a visible goof in the movie even though the plot is set in 1946, one of the guards is seen using a more modern, AK-47 type rifle.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: San Francisco, California, USA
    • Latitude: 37.7749295
    • Longitude: -122.4194155
    • Place ID: ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Francisco, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Wales, UK
    • Latitude: 52.1306607
    • Longitude: -3.7837117
    • Place ID: ChIJ7Q8cbLY0ZEgRouilirxxux4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Wales, UK
    • Timezone: Europe/London