The movie, “After Effect”, was produced in 2012 and falls into the genres of horror and action. This page provides information about its filming locations, the actors involved, and interesting details. You can expand your knowledge about the movie and discover some behind-the-scenes facts about it.
Where it Filmed?
“After Effect” was filmed in various locations across the United States. The primary filming sites include Chicago in Illinois and Los Angeles in California. These filmy proceedings happened during a span of less than a month, specifically from Jan 15, 2010, through Feb 5, 2010.
Cast Details
Cast Name | Role |
Daniel Baldwin | Senator Davis |
Tuckie White | Lacie Donovan |
Jake Hames | Jake |
Jeremy Kahn | Carter |
John Turk | Sanders |
Kirk Anderson | Dr. Detrick |
Will Clinger | Video Engineer |
Phillip Edward Van Lear | College Professor |
Monette McLin | Nurse Daphne |
Kristina Simonds | Nurse Heartwell |
Amanda Cowper | Secretary |
Jack C. Newell | Waiting Room Guy |
Amy Hendricks | Waiting Room Girl |
Shannon O’Connor | Pursued Woman |
Aaron Crippen | Sniper / Soldier |
Michael Chinn | Sgt. Johnson |
Mike McNamara | Sgt. Moriarity |
Brandon Lloyd | Sgt. Chuck Lloyd |
Clint Vaupel | Soldier 5 |
Chris Van Mieghem | Soldier 6 |
Brian Hill | Soldier 7 |
Scott Prestin | Hazmat Engineer #2 |
Patrick Briese | Cleaner 1 |
Jerry Brown | Cleaner 2 |
Kati McNamara | Student 1 |
Ken Brown | Student 2 |
Sebastian Crisan | Student 3 |
Paulina Ferdkoff | Student 4 |
Kenny Brown | Student 5 |
Timothy Christian | Caleb |
David McElroy | Tyler |
Mike Delaney | Phlebotomist |
Leah Crouthamel | Senator’s Assistant |
Scott Hernandez | Senator’s Henchmen 1 |
Gabrielle Blinick | Extra 1 |
Tony Buto | Extra 2 |
Jon Catellani | Extra 3 |
Christopher Dixon | Extra 4 |
Carolyn Dolin | Extra 5 |
Mark Miller | Extra 6 |
Ariel Monegein | Extra 7 |
Jason Newkirk | Extra 8 |
Alex Niakoulov | Extra 9 |
Yoon Sung Yang | Extra 10 |
Paul R. Kelly Sr. | Humvee Driver |
Lauren Emowhofromwhoville | Katarina James |
Geoff Brown | Senator’s Henchmen (uncredited) |
Marissa Falsone | Lead (uncredited) |
Trivia and Facts
- The movie duration is 1 hour 35 minutes.
- It was released on Feb 8, 2012, in the USA.
- The movie story revolves around college students signing up for a seemingly simple paid research study, only to find themselves in danger, unwittingly becoming part of a U.S. Military experiment.
- David McElroy directed the movie and co-wrote the script with Marc Menet.
- It features performances from actors including Daniel Baldwin, Tuckie White, and Matthew Lucki.
- In the UK, “After Effect” was released under the name “The Infected”.
Geo Location Details
- Location Name: USA
- Latitude: 44.24236485
- Longitude: -119.8093025
- Place ID: ChIJCzYy5IS16lQRQrfeQ5K5Oxw
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: United States
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Location Name: Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Latitude: 41.8781136
- Longitude: -87.6297982
- Place ID: ChIJ7cv00DwsDogRAMDACa2m4K8
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Chicago, IL, USA
- Timezone: America/Chicago
- Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
- Latitude: 34.0549076
- Longitude: -118.242643
- Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles