
Adaline (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The 2015 movie “Adaline” is a thrilling saga that will captivate you. This film captures the terrifying visions of Adaline that seep into Daniela’s present-day nightmares. Directed by Bidisha Chowdhury and starring Jill Evyn, Lane Townsend, and Jeremy S. Walker, “Adaline” holds much intrigue beyond its plot, including its shooting locations and some interesting trivia.

Where it Filmed?

The incredible scenes of “Adaline” were shot in Northern California, California, USA. There aren’t specific filming dates available but it was released on 1st December 2015 in the USA. The beautiful backdrop of Northern California provides the perfect atmosphere for the thriller, making the film visually gripping and engaging.MV5BMjMzMTc2ODg5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDQ2ODg0NzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jill Evyn Daniela
Lane Townsend John
Emily Claeys Megan
Pamela Finney Becky
Sergio Alejandro Tony
C.S. Boris Dr. Gibson
Anne Hallinan Winter
Val Garrahan Anna
Elise Scarlott Hilda
Dixon Phillips Walter
Cole Panther Jerry
Warren Serkin Sheriff
Camille Grenier Dead Woman
Mackenszie Drae Bradley
Bret Grantham Waiter
Cameron Mark Lewis Roger
Cynthia Naylor Smyth Adaline’s Mother
Jazmine Allen Cafe patron
Kevin Cudd Cafe patron
Jennifer Depina Cafe patron
Tyler Holland Cafe patron
Michael Morang Bartender
Priscilla Morgan Cafe patron
Christopher Rice Cafe patron
Cliff Sherrel Cafe patron
Tylor Smith Cafe patron
Juan Solis Car driver
Jane Stillwater Cafe patron
Jesse Waters Cafe patron
Leonard Zhang Cafe patron


Trivia and Facts

In addition to the filming location, there are some interesting facts about “Adaline”:

  • The movie was initially called “The Conjured” in the United Kingdom and “Şeytanın Büyüsü” in Turkey.
  • The film was produced under the banner “A Mates Entertainment Release” in India and “BeautifulCircle Productions”.
  • Surprisingly, Bidisha Chowdhury not only directed but also wrote the movie.
  • The thrilling music was composed by Pete Kneser, further, the cinematography was done by Paul Nordin.
  • Speaking of production, Leo Chowdhury served as the executive producer/producer along with Richard J Dubin and Pete Paduano.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Northern California, California, USA
    • Latitude: 38.8375215
    • Longitude: -120.8958242
    • Place ID: ChIJhfaU3zKPmYARQmFhYdVHSAo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Northern California, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles