Accidental Love (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Accidental Love (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Accidental Love”, a romantic comedy film that came out in 2015. This film is about a small town waitress who gets a nail lodged in her head, resulting in odd behavior and a trip to Washington, D.C. The key roles were played by Jessica Biel, Ray Brown, and Jenny Gulley. This article will talk about the shooting locations of the movie, behind-the-scene details and interesting facts.

Where it Filmed?

The film was shot in various locations across the United States. They include Columbia and other places in South Carolina, as well as Washington, D.C. The filming process took place over a period of more than two months, starting from April 9, 2008, and ending on June 22, 2008.MV5BYTNkMTZiZWEtOTA0NS00NzI1LThkOWEtZWFiMzlkNmI0ZjViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTM2ODk1OTQ@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Jessica Biel Alice Eckle
Jenny Gulley Brenda
Beverly D’Angelo Helen Eckle
Steve Boles Bob Eckle
James Marsden Scott
Bill Hader Doctor Turnstall
Darlene Hunt Doctor Adams
Cheryl McConnell Woman Administrator
Kirstie Alley Aunt Rita
Kurt Fuller Reverend Norm
Tracy Morgan Keyshawn
Jake Gyllenhaal Howard Birdwell
Malinda Williams Rakeesha
Kendrick Cross Security Guard
Micah Shane Ballinger Young Aide
Catherine Keener Rep. Pam Hendrickson
Paul Reubens Edwin
David Ramsey Rep. Bill Harshtone
Olivia Crocicchia Marsha Weber
Simon Hamlin Man Reporter
James Brolin Speaker Buck McCoy
Barbara Weetman McCoy’s Widow
Ronnie White Reporter #1
Bonnie Aarons Reporter #2
Rachel Mower Squaw Girl
Daley Fricks Squaw Girl
Matthew Muzio Reporter
Mert Hatfield Elk Man
Donna Scott Lobbyist #1
Mary Firestone Lobbyist #2
Scott Malyerck Congressman
Joseph Washington Network Anchor
John Allen Elk Man / U.S. Senator (uncredited)
Erin Rhea Berson Dining Guest (uncredited)
Mellie Boozer Senator’s Aide (uncredited)
Stephanie Ellis Bratton Girl Squaw Parent (uncredited)
Christina Callison Accusatory Restaurant Diner (uncredited)
Kimberly Campbell Congresswoman #1 (uncredited)
Frederick Carpenter Senator (uncredited)
Jessica Carter McCoy’s Daughter (uncredited)
Jerry Cashman Liberal Congressman (uncredited)
Jaime Channing Congressman’s Aide (uncredited)
Brett Lee Clark Mental Patient (uncredited)
Kristen Cubbage Senator’s Aide / Office Clerk (uncredited)
Joshua P. Dease Congressman’s Aide (uncredited)
Catherine Dyer Female Anchor (uncredited)
Randy Farmer Congressman (uncredited)
Roxanne Fox McCoy’s Aide (uncredited)
James Furey Congressman’s Aide (uncredited)
Shawron Gaffney Congressman (uncredited)
Anthony Garner Elk Man #2 (uncredited)
Blake Garris Extra (uncredited)
J.J. Gentry Congressman’s Aide (uncredited)
David Goff TV Cameraman (uncredited)
Conrad Goode The Father (uncredited)
Michael Harding Insurance Lobbyist (uncredited)
Matthew Herington Congressman (uncredited)
Erin Hunter Hysterical Aide (uncredited)
Cal Johnson Elk Fighter Opponent (uncredited)
Szymon Karl-Kraszczynski Romanian Politician (uncredited)
Stephen Kay Senator (uncredited)
Jim Keisler Senator (uncredited)
Ray Kendrick Congressman (uncredited)
Tré Neal Visiting Boy Kid (uncredited)
Maurice Nimmons U.S. Conservative Congressman (uncredited)
Matt Privette Bobby / Fundraiser Attendee (uncredited)
Bill Roberson Senator Jimmy Stewart (uncredited)
John Rutland Reporter (uncredited)
Kate Sanford Prim Woman (uncredited)
Michael Roy Scott Dining Guest (uncredited)
Tommy Scott Newspaper Reporter (uncredited)
Antonio N.L. Sherman Couple in restaurant (uncredited)
Robert Sprankle Reporter / Senator (uncredited)
Ron Stafford U.S. Senator (uncredited)
Savannah Stilwell Squaw Girl (uncredited)
Emily Stroud Girl Scout (uncredited)
Catherine Trail Norm’s Wife (uncredited)
Meg Watson Congresswomen (uncredited)
Ronald White Reporter #2 (uncredited)
Christopher Wiles Maitre’d (uncredited)
Arthur Yon Freshman Congressman (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The film was directed by David O. Russell and written by Kristin Gore, Matt Silverstein, and Dave Jeser.
  • The film is a PG-13 rated romantic comedy, with a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  • Other stars who contributed to this movie include Jenny Gulley, Ray Brown, Beverly D’Angelo, Steve Boles, James Marsden, Bill Hader, Darlene Hunt, Cheryl McConnell, and Kirstie Alley.
  • The film received reviews from 47 users and 60 critics.
  • It was first released in the USA on February 10, 2015.

MV5BMjE4MDE3Nzk1OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDg2ODE5MzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Columbia, South Carolina, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0008322
    • Longitude: -81.035147
    • Place ID: ChIJ49ExeWml-IgRlvp5s_QIKPM
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Columbia, SC, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Washington, District of Columbia, USA
    • Latitude: 38.9071923
    • Longitude: -77.0368707
    • Place ID: ChIJW-T2Wt7Gt4kRKl2I1CJFUsI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Washington, DC, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York