Accidental Incest (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Accidental Incest (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Accidental Incest” released in the year 2014 is a comedy fantasy with a runtime of 1 hour and 42 minutes. It follows the unconventional love story of Milton, played by Johnny Sederquist, and Kendra, portrayed by Elyssa Baldassarri, who accidentally fall in love with each other, unaware that they are half-siblings. The film presents the quirky tale of their lives along with some interesting backstage facts.

Where it Filmed?

The entire film “Accidental Incest” was shot in Pawtucket, located in Rhode Island, USA. However, the exact filming period hasn’t been specified.MV5BMDlmZTdhYTMtZjkyMi00NzE2LWJjMWQtOTg4YjE4YzlhMmYyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODc5NDQ5MjI@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Johnny Sederquist Milton / Kendra’s half brother
Elyssa Baldassarri Kendra / Milton’s half sister
Dan Mauro Bob / Kendra’s husband
Jamie Lyn Bagley Jenn / Milton’s wife
Jesse Dufault Rex / Kendra’s son
Jamie Dufault Alex / Kendra’s Ex
Tonya Free Susan / Alex’s girlfriend
Knate Higgins Sven / Norwegian
Casey Wright Ariel / Guardian Angel
Paul Lucenti Issac / Guardian Angel
Crimson Al-Khemia Angel #1
Jay Walker Angel #2
Sean Carufel Wesley / Patient at therapist
Christian Masters Alex / Patient at therapist
Steven O’Broin Dr. Emil Locust / Sex therapist
Erin M. Olson Mary / Patient at therapist
Anna Rizzo Tabitha / Patient at therapist
Hannah Lum Trudy / Kevin’s wife
Rich Tretheway Kevin / cuckolded husband
Aaron Andrade God
Andrew Andrade Cardinal Syn
James Bagley Doctor
Christopher L. Ferreira Tyler
Josh Fontaine Adam
Richard Griffin Drunken Film Director
Jose Guns Alves The Anxious Man
Ryan Hanley St. Peter
Patricia Hawkridge Margaret
Mark Hutchinson Bartender
Kevin Killavey Tool
Sissy O’Hara Landlady
Laura Pepper Manager’s Brain Damaged Wife
Lenny Schwartz Pope Corky V
Michael Thurber Harrison
Geoff White Stanley / the Flasher


Trivia and Facts

  • Richard Griffin served as the director of this peculiar love story, with Lenny Schwartz as the writer.
  • The film had a budget of an estimated $19,000.
  • Primary actors in the film included Dan Mauro, Jamie Lyn Bagley, Jesse Dufault, Jamie Dufault, Tonya Free, and others.
  • The film was produced by Richard Griffin and Lenny Schwartz, among others.
  • It was distributed by MVD Visual in the United States and released worldwide by Scorpio Film.
  • The film’s unique tagline was “Love is relative”.
  • Fun fact: the film made a reference to the famous 1983 film “Scarface”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA
    • Latitude: 41.878711
    • Longitude: -71.38255579999999
    • Place ID: ChIJKQPwp6lc5IkRtP60w2zCD2Q
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Pawtucket, RI, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York