Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” was released in 2012. It revolves around the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln who is on a mission to eliminate vampires trying to take over the United States. Let’s learn more about where this film was shot, who the actors were, and unravel some exciting facts about it.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in various locations in Louisiana, USA. From the vibrant French Quarter to the laid-back city of Covington in New Orleans. Other filming cites include Second Line Stages, and other unspecified venues within Louisiana. The filming took place from March 14, 2011, to June 30, 2011.MV5BMTkwNjg3ODM5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzY5MTE5Nw@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Benjamin Walker Abraham Lincoln
Dominic Cooper Henry Sturges
Anthony Mackie Will Johnson
Mary Elizabeth Winstead Mary Todd Lincoln
Rufus Sewell Adam
Marton Csokas Jack Barts
Jimmi Simpson Joshua Speed
Joseph Mawle Thomas Lincoln
Robin McLeavy Nancy Lincoln
Erin Wasson Vadoma
John Rothman Jefferson Davis
Cameron M. Brown Willie Lincoln
Frank Brennan Senator Jeb Nolan
Lux Haney-Jardine Young Abraham Lincoln
Curtis Harris Young Will
Bill Martin Williams RR Pastor
Alex Lombard Gabrielle
Raevin Stinson Prostitute
Jaqueline Fleming Harriet Tubman
John Neisler Rev. Dresser
Aaron Toney Will’s Brother
Meade Patton Doctor
Teri Wyble Henry’s Wife
Lawrence Turner Pharmacist
Jake La Botz Bull Run Private
Dane Rhodes Captain Slash
John McConnell Scroll Official
Bernard Hocke White House Doctor
Ritchie Montgomery Guest #1
Scott Michael Jefferson Guest #2
Pierre Pichon Meditation Bartender
Maya M. Marshall Slave Ball Dancer
Michael Madary General
Alex Bulat Typographer
Jillian Batherson Dancer
Chelsea Bruland Dancer
Edward R. Cox Dancer
Kristin Daniel Dancer
Brian Paul Falgoust Dancer
Tara Francis Dancer
Sean Glazebrook Dancer
Lauren Hammond Dancer
Kelly Hasandras Dancer
Rianne Herron Dancer
Kyle Kahn Dancer
Erin Mallory Dancer
Laura B. Manning Dancer
Jennifer Schemke Dancer
Francis Scully Dancer
Elsie Semmes Dancer
Simeon Sjöberg Dancer
Mark C. Stevens Dancer
Aaron Thacker-Woodruff Dancer
Ken Adams Union / Confederate Soldier (uncredited)
Mike Agresta Senator (uncredited)
John L. Armijo Union Soldier / Confederate Vampire (uncredited)
Mike Bleed House Slave (uncredited)
Edrick Browne Silver Soldier #4 (uncredited)
Tom Bubrig Diplomat (uncredited)
Laura Cayouette Vadoma Maid (uncredited)
Edward J. Clare Congressman (uncredited)
David A Cole Sgt. Major (uncredited)
Rebecca Collins Townspeople (uncredited)
Raymond Delaune Supporter / Gettysburg Address (uncredited)
Jared DePasquale Vampire Soldier (uncredited)
Caleb Deschanel Battlefield Photographer (uncredited)
Hollie Doker Dead Girl (uncredited)
Lorna Street Dopson Civil War Nurse (uncredited)
Donna Duplantier Midwife (uncredited)
Neil Durr Union Soldier / Vampire (uncredited)
David Michael Fordham Union Soldier (uncredited)
Seth Grahame-Smith Texting Man (uncredited)
Russell M. Haeuser U.S. Congressman (uncredited)
Gene Kevin Hames Jr. Crowd Supporter (uncredited)
Rex Harsin Union Soldier (uncredited)
Bill Heintz Protester (uncredited)
Mike Holbrook Union Bugler (uncredited)
Nathaniel Holt Union Soldier (uncredited)
Jacquelyn Twodat Jackson Ball goer (uncredited)
Malik Jubal Slave Singer (uncredited)
Sean Keehan Federal Soldier (uncredited)
John C. Klein D.C. Crowd (uncredited)
Richie J. Ladner Union 1st Artillery Sgt (uncredited)
Ashley Lambert Vampire Temptress (uncredited) (voice)
Cynthia LeBlanc Upperclass Pedestrian / Civil War Nurse (uncredited)
Elton LeBlanc Upperclass Pedestrian / Us Army Major General (uncredited)
Don Lee Senator Nolan’s Guard (uncredited)
Stephen Livaudais Union Soldier (uncredited)
Travis Wade Locke Silver Soldier #1 (uncredited)
Vatican Lokey Vampire Slave Trader (uncredited)
Juliet Reeves London Mary’s Sister (uncredited)
Jakel Marshall White House Butler (uncredited)
John C. Martin Protester (uncredited)
Ken Massey Illinois Protester (uncredited)
Taylor Newman Union Soilder (uncredited)
Natalie Nicole Vampire Dancer (uncredited)
Andrew Niemann Confederate Vampire Soldier (uncredited)
Jay Oliver Pedestrian (uncredited)
Gustavo I. Ortiz Protester (uncredited)
Johnny Otto Union Soldier (uncredited)
Timothy Pickles Upper Class Citizen (uncredited)
Shane Pinson Union Soldier (uncredited)
Steve Rally Vampire Horseman (uncredited)
Bradley Randall Union Soldier (uncredited)
James Ricker II Protestor (uncredited)
Michael Patrick Rogers Union Soldier (uncredited)
Todd Schmidt Vampire (uncredited)
Andrew Serpas Doctor (uncredited)
Christopher Severio Union Soldier (uncredited)
Jenny Slaydon Barmaid (uncredited)
Chaz Smith Union Soldier (uncredited)
Logan Douglas Smith U.S. Senator (uncredited)
Terry Lee Smith Pedestrian (uncredited)
Brittany Soileau Gettysburg Address Audience (uncredited)
Jeremy Spring Union Soldier (uncredited)
Charles Stansell Confederate Soldier (uncredited)
Jon Stevenson Slave Musician #1 (uncredited)
Mallory Thompson Park Victim (uncredited)
Alan Tudyk Stephen A. Douglas (uncredited)
Daniel Vincent Young Farmer at Speech (uncredited)
Carl J. Walker Vampire Bartender (uncredited)
Kevin Waterman Vampire Soldier (uncredited)
Stephen Daniel Wayne Confederate Vampire Soldier (uncredited)
Rachel G. Whittle Vampire Dancer (uncredited)
McIver Williams Confederate Soldier (uncredited)
Travis Hedges Williams Union Soldier (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes and falls under the genre of Action and Fantasy.
  • It was released on July 13, 2012.
  • Directed by Timur Bekmambetov and written by Seth Grahame-Smith.
  • The main stars include Benjamin Walker who played Abraham Lincoln, Dominic Cooper as Henry Sturges, and Anthony Mackie as Will Johnson.
  • Other cast members include Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Mary Todd Lincoln, Rufus Sewell as Adam, Marton Csokas as Jack Barts, among others.
  • The film got a nomination for an award.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9584426
    • Longitude: -90.0644107
    • Place ID: ChIJf5407BGmIIYROiKyvb07vZg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: French Quarter, New Orleans, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Covington, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 30.4754702
    • Longitude: -90.1009108
    • Place ID: ChIJ54krmzBcJ4YRIDV2ITiwDgc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Covington, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.95106579999999
    • Longitude: -90.0715323
    • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRtNMiXuhbBts
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New Orleans, LA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Second Line Stages, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 29.9315181
    • Longitude: -90.0700547
    • Place ID: ChIJN6pp1dWlIIYRUIwzaynmEyI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 800 Richard St, New Orleans, LA 70130, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Location Name: Louisiana, USA
    • Latitude: 30.5190775
    • Longitude: -91.5208624
    • Place ID: ChIJZYIRslSkIIYRA0flgTL3Vck
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Louisiana, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago

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