A Star Is Born (1954) Filming Locations and Cast Details

A Star Is Born (1954) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie, “A Star Is Born”, is a 1954 drama-musical piece that was directed by George Cukor, written by Moss Hart, Dorothy Parker, and Alan Campbell. It stars Judy Garland as Vicki Lester, James Mason as Norman Maine, and Jack Carson as Matt Libby, among other talented cast members. This piece provides information about the locations where it was filmed, and interest facts about the film.

Where it Filmed?

A Star Is Born was filmed in various locations in California, USA. These include the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, the Cocoanut Grove Nightclub in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Center Street in Piru, the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles again, and the Lancaster Hotel in Downtown, Los Angeles. More specific information about the filming dates isn’t currently available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Judy Garland Vicki Lester
James Mason Norman Maine
Jack Carson Matt Libby
Charles Bickford Oliver Niles
Lucy Marlow Lola Lavery
Amanda Blake Susan Ettinger
Irving Bacon Graves
Hazel Shermet Libby’s Secretary
James Brown Glenn Williams
John Alban Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Laurindo Almeida Guitarist (uncredited)
Leon Alton Usher (uncredited)
Rudolph Anders Mr. Ettinger (uncredited)
David Armstrong Soundman (uncredited)
Phil Arnold Agent #3 (uncredited)
Nadine Ashdown Esther – Age 6 (uncredited)
Gertrude Astor Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Jack Baker Father (uncredited)
Richard H. Bauman Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
George Becwar Assistant Director (uncredited)
Don Beddoe Studio Executive at Premiere (uncredited)
Rodney Bell Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Tom Blakiston Young Man (uncredited)
Oscar Blank Vagrant #2 (uncredited)
Lennie Bluett Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Lulu Mae Bohrman Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Norman Borine Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Willis Bouchey McBride (uncredited)
Marshall Bradford Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Ruth Brady Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Paul Brinegar Man at Funeral (uncredited)
Tex Brodus Dancer (uncredited)
Sheila Bromley Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Paul Bryar Bartender at Racetrack (uncredited)
Benny Burt Courtroom Reporter (uncredited)
Boyd Cabeen Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
George Calliga (Academy Awards Attendee) (uncredited)
Kathryn Card Landlady (uncredited)
John Carlyle Assistant Director (uncredited)
Ross Carmichael Photographer (uncredited)
Beth Carter Dancer (uncredited)
Sue Casey Woman (uncredited)
Spencer Chan Actor at Payroll Window (uncredited)
Chick Chandler Man in Car at Diner (uncredited)
Lauren Chapin Little Girl at Boarding House (uncredited)
Beulah Christian Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Samuel Colt Stage Manager / Sammy (uncredited)
Heinie Conklin Benefit Comedy Team Member (uncredited)
Charles J. Conrad Assistant Director (uncredited)
Tom Cound Price Waterhouse Man (uncredited)
Oliver Cross Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Russell Custer Courtroom Officer (uncredited)
Blythe Daley Ms. Nora Fusselow (uncredited)
Havis Davenport Paramount Starlet (uncredited)
Diana Deane Dancer (uncredited)
Jerry DeCoe Autograph Hound (uncredited)
Rudy Del Campo Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Harry Denny Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Eddie Dew Assistant Director at Train Station (uncredited)
Alan DeWitt Makeup Artist #1 (uncredited)
Joe Dougherty Makeup Man #3 (uncredited)
Robert Dumas Drummer (uncredited)
Helen Eby-Rock Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Jack Ellis Pinkerton Detective (uncredited)
Jean Engstrom Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Harry Evans Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Rex Evans Academy Awards Emcee (uncredited)
Franklyn Farnum Ray (uncredited)
Timothy Farrell Bailiff (uncredited)
Frank Ferguson Judge George J. Barnes (uncredited)
Gordon Finn Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
George Fisher George (uncredited)
Elizabeth Flournoy Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Bess Flowers Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Almeda Fowler Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Raoul Freeman Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Nacho Galindo José Rodriguez (uncredited)
Joanne Genthon Girl (uncredited)
Kenneth Gibson Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Joe Gilbert Audience Member (uncredited)
Joseph Glick Vagrant (uncredited)
Jack Gordon Stagehand (uncredited)
Alex Goudovitch Dancer – ‘Lose That Long Face’ Number (uncredited)
Wilton Graff Shrine Auditorium Emcee (uncredited)
Marion Gray Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Joe Green Agent #1 (uncredited)
Michael Hail Rails (uncredited)
Robert Haines 2nd Assistant Director (uncredited)
Charles Halton Paymaster #1 (uncredited)
Joseph Hamilton Agent #2 (uncredited)
Jack Harmon Dancer – ‘Gotta Have Me Go With You’ Number (uncredited)
Sam Harris Benefit Attendee / Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Michael Hathaway Agent (uncredited)
Ray Heindorf Ray Heidorf – at Movie Premiere Party (uncredited)
Percy Helton William Gregory (uncredited)
Louis Jean Heydt Ocean Scene Director (uncredited)
Al Hill Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Stuart Holmes Melancholy Baby Number Spectator (uncredited)
Olin Howland Charley (uncredited)
Bob Hoy Soundman (uncredited)
James Hyland Assistant Announcer (uncredited)
Bob Jellison Eddie (uncredited)
Jay Johnson Musician (uncredited)
Dick Johnstone Spectator (uncredited)
Arlene Karr Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Fred Kelsey Audience Member (uncredited)
Jack Kenney Nightclub Man #1 (uncredited)
Tom Kingston Reporter (uncredited)
Cele Kirk Reporter at Shrine Auditorium (uncredited)
George Kitchel Reporter (uncredited)
Allen Kramer (uncredited)
Frank Kreig Man at Funeral (uncredited)
Henry Kulky Cuddles (uncredited)
Nancy Kulp Esther’s Neighbor (uncredited)
Richard LaMarr Benefit Attendee (uncredited)
Carl M. Leviness Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Paul Levitt Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Gloria Lewin Oleander Arms Landlady (uncredited)
Carey Loftin Signboard Man #2 (uncredited)
Robert Locke Lorraine Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Frank Marlowe Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Mae Marsh Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Strother Martin Delivery Boy (uncredited)
Dorothy Martinson (uncredited)
Louis Mason Doorman (uncredited)
Nita Mathews Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Ila McAvoy Mother – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Jack McCoy Father – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Philo McCullough Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Don McKay Dancer – ‘Gotta Have Me Go With You’ Number (uncredited)
Heidi Meadows Esther – Age 3 (uncredited)
Joseph Mell Paymaster #2 (uncredited)
Charles Merton Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Harold Miller Benefit Attendee (uncredited)
Nolie Miller Dancer (uncredited)
Patrick Miller Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Todd Miller Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Wade Miller Dancer (uncredited)
Mort Mills Makeup Man (uncredited)
John Monaghan Male Secretary (uncredited)
Hal J. Moore Racetrack PA Announcer (uncredited)
Monette Moore Blues Singer (uncredited)
Charles Morton Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Jack Mower Benefit Attendee (uncredited)
George Nardelli Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Tom Nolan Child Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
Anton Northpole Vagrant (uncredited)
Barry Norton Benefit Attendee (uncredited)
Ron Nyman Stage Manager (uncredited)
William H. O’Brien Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Monty O’Grady Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Pat O’Malley Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Leonard Penn Train Station Scene Director (uncredited)
Barbara Pepper Esther’s Neighbor (uncredited)
Jack Pepper Chef (uncredited)
Hilda Plowright Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Mel Pogue Autograph Hound (uncredited)
Murray Pollack Benefit Attendee (uncredited)
Ezelle Poule Shrine Auditorium Photographer (uncredited)
Frank Puglia Bruno (uncredited)
Grandon Rhodes Producer at Premiere (uncredited)
Don Richards Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Leoda Richards Party Guest (uncredited)
Kay Riehl Hairdresser (uncredited)
Larry Rio Soundman (uncredited)
Lotus Robb Ms. Markham (uncredited)
Walter Rode Courtroom Policeman (uncredited)
Pat Rosemond Dancer – ‘Lose That Long Face’ Number (uncredited)
Patricia Rosemond Dancer – ‘Lose That Long Face’ Number (uncredited)
Riza Royce Secretary (uncredited)
Henry Russell Studio Orchestra Leader (uncredited)
Loretta Russell Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Dick Ryan Nightclub Man #2 (uncredited)
Bobby Sailes Dancer – ‘Born in a Trunk’ Number (uncredited)
John Saxon Movie Premiere Usher (uncredited)
Bernard Sell Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
Patrick Sexton Bert (uncredited)
Harry Seymour Wheeler (uncredited)
Joan Shawlee Joan (uncredited)
Don Shelton TV Director (uncredited)
Charles Sherlock Man Trying to Subdue Norman at Banquet (uncredited)
Dick Simmons Producer / Benefactor (uncredited)
Reginald Simpson Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Elmera Smith Pasedena Girl (uncredited)
Arthur Space Night Court Clerk (uncredited)
Bert Spencer Academy Awards Attendee (uncredited)
Buddy Spencer Dancer (uncredited)
Eileen Stevens Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Robert Stevenson Boom Operator (uncredited)
Robert Strong Courtroom Reporter (uncredited)
Grady Sutton Artie Carver (uncredited)
Kay Tapscott Dancer (uncredited)
Dub Taylor Norman’s Driver (uncredited)
Wayne Taylor Autograph Hound (uncredited)
Al Thompson Vagrant #1 (uncredited)
Ted Thorpe Soundman (uncredited)
Louis Tomei Signboard Man #1 (uncredited)
Emerson Treacy Justice of the Peace (uncredited)
Dale Van Sickel Photographer Pushed Down in Dressing Room (uncredited)
Valerie Vernon Marian (uncredited)
Ralph Volkie Courtroom Reporter (uncredited)
Geraldine Wall Esther’s Neighbor (uncredited)
Ruth Warren Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Charles Watts Harrison (uncredited)
Harte Wayne Man at Funeral (uncredited)
Richard Webb Wallace (uncredited)
Duff Whitney Reporter (uncredited)
Shirley Whitney Malibu Party Guest (uncredited)
Josephine Whittell Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Frank Wilcox Frank (uncredited)
Jean Willes Fan at benefit show (uncredited)
Tom Wilson Stagehand Carrying Poles / Passerby Outside Hotel (uncredited)
Eric Wilton Charles (uncredited)
Jean Woodley Shrine Auditorium Reporter (uncredited)
Sheb Wooley Screaming Man / Screaming Indian (uncredited) (archiveSound)
Stephen Wyman Nigel Peters (uncredited)
Mary Young Boardinghouse Woman (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • “A Star Is Born” was released on October 16, 1954.
  • It was a drama musical movie that ran for 2 hours and 34 minutes.
  • In the film, Norman Maine, a fading matinee idol, helps a young singer and actress, Esther Blodgett (played by Judy Garland), to find fame. This happens as his own career spirals downwards due to age and alcoholism.
  • This movie earned 6 Oscar nominations, and also won 7 other awards while getting nominated for 7 more.
  • The full cast includes Charles Bickford as Oliver Niles, Tommy Noonan as Danny McGuire, Lucy Marlow as Lola Lavery, Amanda Blake as Susan Ettinger, among others.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Church of the Good Shepherd – 505 North Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0696712
    • Longitude: -118.4072663
    • Place ID: ChIJ5Xy5Ugi8woARIBYodzGDBG0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 504 N Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Cocoanut Grove Nightclub, Ambassador Hotel – 3400 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0605583
    • Longitude: -118.2980306
    • Place ID: ChIJL6Ft6n3HwoARr_lq-3UFf4Q
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 3400 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Center Street, Piru, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.4154123
    • Longitude: -118.7946006
    • Place ID: EhhDZW50ZXIgU3QsIFBpcnUsIENBLCBVU0EiLiosChQKEgnTnunyDNPpgBHi_N80Qg1tjxIUChIJR_izKxDT6YARmup1By4r6rE
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Center St, Piru, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Lancaster Hotel – 121 N. Flower Street, Bunker Hill, Downtown, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0565668
    • Longitude: -118.250215
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 121 Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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