A Lonely Woman (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

A Lonely Woman (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“A Lonely Woman” is a movie from 2018. This action and crime genre film depicts a woman’s transformation for revenge. Here, we’ll discuss about the filming locations, actors’ roles, and some unique behind-the-scenes facts.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in Houston, Texas, USA. The filming duration was from December 8, 2013, to December 30, 2013.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Youlika Skafida Jezebel
Beau Yotty Antonie
Joe Grisaffi Steven
Michael Tula Roger
Chris Force Aunt Laura
Tommy Poynter Tom
Rebecca Karpovsky Detective Green
Elijah Beckett Detective Ashton
Dih-Anah Marie Rosie
Guy Mayfield Bill
Gilbert De la Garza Daniel
Modesto Jaramillo Bartender
Josue Figueroa Hector
Sam Flash Hit Man
Frances Watson Annie
Andrew Martinez Emmanuel
Michelle Gomez Waitress
Elida Garza Escort
Amanda Caylor Johanna
Addie Doss Lizette
Lance Henry Bob
Bailey Vaughn McAndrew Monica
Melissa Moncada Waitress
Wallace Jones Bodyguard
Aidah Figueroa Hector’s Daughter
Steffany Velasquez Lisa
Jesse Merrill Lloyd
Ru Benjamin Revolver Larry

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released on March 23, 2018.
  • “A Lonely Woman” runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  • Directed and written by Juven Cavazos.
  • The film stars Youlika Skafida, who plays Jezebel, Beau Yotty as Antonie, and Joe Grisaffi as Steven.
  • This movie tells the story of a docile and shy girl named Annie, an orphan from Greece. The plot revolves around her transformation into a merciless woman called Jezebel, and her pursuit of revenge.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Houston, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 29.7600771
    • Longitude: -95.37011079999999
    • Place ID: ChIJAYWNSLS4QIYROwVl894CDco
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Houston, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago