In Time (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

In Time (2011) Filming Locations and Cast Details

In Time is a futuristic action and sci-fi film that was released in 2011. The movie follows the life of a man named Will Salas, played by Justin Timberlake, who is on the run with a hostage in a world where people stop aging at 25, but can live only for one more year unless they can pay for more time. Very exciting and revealing information about the film’s shooting locations and behind-the-scenes facts can be discovered.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of this movie took place in different locations in Los Angeles, California, USA, including Metropolitan Courthouse at 1945 South Hill St., Surfridge, 1100 S Hope St., Los Angeles Theatre at 615 S. Broadway, and Sixth Street Viaduct. The filming commenced on Oct 25, 2010.MV5BMTcyMDczNTk3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDU1MTE5Ng@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Justin Timberlake Will Salas
Olivia Wilde Rachel Salas
Shyloh Oostwald Maya
Johnny Galecki Borel
Colin McGurk Citizen
Will Harris Ulysse
Michael William Freeman Nardin
Jesse Lee Soffer Webb
Aaron Perilo Bell
Nick Lashaway Ekman
Will Peltz Pierre
Ray Santiago Victa
Matt Bomer Henry Hamilton
Zuleyka Silver Pasha
Laura Ashley Samuels Sagita
Alex Pettyfer Fortis
Brendan Miller Kolber
Paul David Story Minuteman Roth
Yaya DaCosta Greta
Maximilian Osinski Louis
Blake Sheldon Man at Door
Cillian Murphy Raymond Leon
Collins Pennie Timekeeper Jaeger
Toby Hemingway Timekeeper Kors
Melissa Ordway Leila
Abhi Sinha Ross
Amanda Seyfried Sylvia Weis
Ethan Peck Constantin
Germano Sardinha Carlo
Korrina Rico Hotel Clerk
Emma Fitzpatrick Kara
Seema Lazar Timekeeper Ellini
Adam Jamal Craig Girard
Vincent Kartheiser Philippe Weis
Andreas Wigand Milus
Bella Heathcote Michele Weis
Sasha Pivovarova Clara
August Emerson Levi
Cathy Baron Ruby
Kris Lemche Markus
Sterling Sulieman Franck
Rachel Roberts Carrera
Christiann Castellanos Jasmine
Jeff Staron Oris
Drew James Thomas
Swen Temmel Breitling
Jessica Parker Kennedy Edouarda
Matt O’Leary Moser
Trever O’Brien Nomos
Faye Kingslee Timekeeper Jean
Kristopher Higgins Timekeeper Dent
Ashley Adamczyk Casino High Roller (uncredited)
Adrianna Adams Casino High Roller (uncredited)
Alexander Alexandrov Karl (uncredited)
Sloane Avery Dayton Teen Girl (uncredited)
Nick Benseman Dayton Thug (uncredited)
Skyler Bible Timegiver (uncredited)
Matthew Broadley Street Child (uncredited)
Nicholas Capone Maurice (uncredited)
Alyssa de Boisblanc Young Dayton Girl (uncredited)
Matt Dickinson Citizen (uncredited)
Erin Elle Salsa Dancer (uncredited)
Andrew Fish Factory Worker (uncredited)
Justin Galindo Jazz Musician (uncredited)
Alycia Grant Bus Passenger / Factory Worker (uncredited)
Austin Hanner Factory Worker (uncredited)
Mary Elise Hayden Jazz Singer (uncredited)
Laura Henschel Time Keeper (uncredited)
Spencer Kayden Bar Dancer (uncredited)
Kendall Keith Bar Dancer (uncredited)
Gretta Kruesi Salsa Dancer (uncredited)
Robert Larriviere Village Man (uncredited)
John Lelko Time Keeper Enforcer (uncredited)
Shanelle Lenore Cocktail waitress (uncredited)
Camilla Lim Party Ballroom Dancer (uncredited)
Christian Madsen Dayton Citizen Leader (uncredited)
Skyler Maxon Casino High Roller (uncredited)
Corbin McCarthy Server (uncredited)
Adam McManamy Party Chef (uncredited)
Brandon Merrell Timekeeper Enforcer (uncredited)
Marcos Mateo Ochoa Thug (uncredited)
Ernest Pierce Minuteman (uncredited)
Talon Reid Casino High Roller (uncredited)
Andreas Robichaux Trumpet Player (uncredited)
Patrick Salway Factory Worker (uncredited)
Sarah May Sommers Young Girl (uncredited)
Jason Weary Roulette dealer (uncredited)
Michael James Wong Bus Passenger / Factory Worker (uncredited)
Jason Woods Bodyguard (uncredited)
Giggi Yazicioglu Jane (uncredited)
Mo Zelof Factory Boss (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie features an impressive cast, including Justin Timberlake playing Will Salas and Olivia Wilde portraying Rachel Salas.
  • Other cast members include Shyloh Oostwald, Johnny Galecki as Borel, and Colin McGurk as a Citizen.
  • Notable members of the film crew are Andrew Niccol, the movie’s director and writer.
  • The film was nominated for two awards.
  • In Time has garnered over 700 user reviews and nearly 400 critic reviews.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Surfridge, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 33.939524
    • Longitude: -118.36946
    • Place ID: ChIJyS34b0GxwoARWLIV4kozuFc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 5140 W 106th St unit b, Lennox, CA 90304, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: 1100 S Hope St, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0417686
    • Longitude: -118.2631233
    • Place ID: ChIJ2T2WvAvHwoARRRApY-h6U1M
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1100 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90015, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Sixth Street Viaduct, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0385329
    • Longitude: -118.2281272
    • Place ID: ChIJLWWpYRjGwoARYfyFCGVqIFo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 6th Street Viaduct, E 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90013, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles