Sergeant Dead Head (1965) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sergeant Dead Head (1965) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Sergeant Dead Head is a comedy musical film from 1965. This piece will discuss where the film was shot, who participated in it and share interesting facts about the production process. You’ll find information on the movie’s locations and dates of filming as well as behind-the-scenes trivia.

Where it Filmed?

Sergeant Dead Head was shot in Raleigh Studios, located at 5300 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA. The filming of this comedy musical took place from May to June 1965.MV5BOTViZWFjMTktMjViZC00MTBlLWJiMjUtNTRmMDFlYTkyZTgwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Frankie Avalon Sergeant O.K. Deadhead / Sergeant Donovan
Deborah Walley Airman Lucy Turner
Cesar Romero Admiral Stoneham
Fred Clark General Rufus Fogg
Gale Gordon Captain Weiskopf
Harvey Lembeck Airman McEvoy
John Ashley Airman Filroy
Buster Keaton Airman Blinken
Reginald Gardiner Lt. Comm. Talbott
Pat Buttram The President
Eve Arden Lt. Charlotte Kinsey
Romo Vincent Tuba Player
Donna Loren Susan
Norman Grabowski Air Policeman
Tod Windsor Sgt. Keeler
Patti Chandler Patti
Luree Holmes Luree
Mary Hughes W.A.F.
Salli Sachse Sue Ellen
Sue Hamilton Ivy
John Hiestand John Hiestand–Newscaster
Ray Atkinson Marine MP
Bob Harvey Bellhop
Jerry Brutsche Newspaper Vendor
Andy Romano Marine MP
Don Edwards Marine MP
Bruce Baker Marine MP
Ray Sittin Marine MP
Taggart Casey Barman
Jo Collins Gail
Astrid De Brea W.A.F.
Jean Ingram W.A.F.
Peggy Ward W.A.F.
Stephanie Nader W.A.F.
Janice Levinson W.A.F.
Alberta Nelson W.A.F.
Sallie Dornan Secretary
Dwayne Hickman Dwayne
John Macchia Marine MP (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

1. The movie revolves around an astronaut who trades brains with a chimpanzee after an orbital mission, leading to hilarious complications.
2. “Sergeant Dead Head” was directed by Norman Taurog and written by Louis M. Heyward.
3. The star-studded cast includes Frankie Avalon, Deborah Walley, Cesar Romero, and others.
4. Stars Frankie Avalon is seen in the dual role of Sergeant O.K. Deadhead and Sergeant Donovan.
5. In the film, Deborah Walley performed the role of Airman Lucy Turner, while Cesar Romero played Admiral Stoneham.
6. This film has a comedic premise of a brain switch between a human and a primate and is filled with absurdities.
7. It included a total of 13 users and 8 critics for reviews.
8. Notably, “Sergeant Dead Head” was referred to as 笑星人 in Mandarin in Singapore.
9. The film was a 90-minute-long comedy musical, released in the USA in August 1965.
10. Key behind-the-scenes crew members included producer Samuel Z. Arkoff, co-producer Anthony Carras, and director of photography Floyd Crosby.
11. The film also makes a connection to another production, “Cesar Romero: In a Class by Himself” where it is referenced.
12. A funny quote from the movie by Sergeant O.K. Deadhead to Airman Lucy, as they are flying in a helicopter: “Oh, honey, when I kiss you, I go into orbit!”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Raleigh Studios – 5300 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0833403
    • Longitude: -118.3159845
    • Place ID: ChIJq6pqKre4woAR9kuB31TlMng
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 5300 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90038, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles