Fetish Dolls Die Laughing (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Fetish Dolls Die Laughing (2012) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Fetish Dolls Die Laughing” is a comedy and fantasy film released in 2012. This film is about the adventures of certain characters such as Billy Tagg played by Michael McGovern, and the detective Greer English, played by Laura Romeo. This simple guide provides information about where and when the movie was filmed, along with some fun and interesting trivia and backstage details.

Where it Filmed?

The entire movie was shot in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates for this movie are not known.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Laura Romeo Greer English
Michael McGovern Billy Tagg
Aaron Bernard Adam Bishop
Angelo Bruni Leland Tucker
Diana Silvio Tanith Tagg
Antietam Brenda Patterson
Kimberly Naim Amy West
Tiffany Apan Darlene Jakes
Angie Azur Mona Snow
Stacey Bartlebaugh-Gmys Maid of Honor
Daniel Baxter Lt. Terence Fisher
Michael Burkett First Tickle Monster
Diane Cholock Hitchhiker
Mike Danylo E.R. Doctor
David Dietz George Lerner
Csaba Domos Bar Band Member
Kevin Drain Officer Williams
Jason English Bar Band Singer
Joanna Getting Marlene
Matthew Grimm Dr. Meeker
Mark Kapsha Bar Band Member
Shawn Karabinos Police Officer
Alicia Kenney Emily
Larpie Young Boy
Bruce Lentz Grandma
Michael Liscotti Smoker in Hospital
Heather Lucas Reporter
Laurie Maxwell Det. Alicia Saunders
Houston McIntyre Homicide Detective
Rick Nelson Det. Charlie Benson
Julie Renner Waitress
Joseph A. Roots Chief Collins
Carrie Shoberg Molly Cline
David Silvio Photographer
Al Torcaso Deputy Coroner
Joe Ursida Bar Band Member
Nick T. Virtzle Coroner
Jerry Wienand Homeless Man

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Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was directed by David Silvio and written by Michael McGovern.
  • The lead stars of the movie were Laura Romeo, Michael McGovern, and Aaron Bernard.
  • “Fetish Dolls Die Laughing” has received 1 nomination in total.
  • This movie was Laura Romeo’s debut as Greer English.
  • Billy Tagg is played by Michael McGovern.
  • The film has a running time of 100 minutes.
  • Though the movie had a budget of approximately $4,000, the amount grossed by it is unknown.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 40.44062479999999
    • Longitude: -79.9958864
    • Place ID: ChIJA4UGSG_xNIgRNBuiWqEV-Y0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York