RPM (1997) Filming Locations and Cast Details

RPM (1997) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“RPM” is a comedy movie from 1997, directed by Ian Sharp and starring David Arquette, Emmanuelle Seigner, and Famke Janssen. The story is about a skilled car thief who undertook a daring heist to steal a revolutionary supercar. Read on, to discover fascniating information about the movie’s filming locations and trivia.

Where it Filmed?

The production of “RPM” took place in the beautiful city of Nice, located in the region of Alpes-Maritimes in France. This enchanting city was the backdrop for the nerve-racking car theft scenes in the film. The filming period of “RPM” commenced in November 1996.MV5BMTUzNzQzMjU2NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwODI1NTk4. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
David Arquette Luke Delson
Emmanuelle Seigner Michelle Claire
Famke Janssen Claudia Haggs
Steve John Shepherd Rudy
Stephen Yardley Chiarkos
Kenneth Cranham Biggerman
John Bluthal Grinkstein
Debora Weston Det. Georgie Rysher
Jean-Luc Bideau Insp. LeBlanc
George Rossi Zantos
Bob Sherman Karl Delson
Jonathan Cecil Lord Baxter
Patrick Allen Millionaire
Jerry Hall Bored Girlfriend
Stéphane Eichenholc Undercover Cop
Jeff Harding Tim Ryan
Sheri Graubert Karen
James Larkin Jonqull
John Clive Bentley Man
Paul Putney Investor #2
Lorenza Elana Marcais Karl’s Secretary
Christian Bianchi Attendant
Alain Clément Journalist #2
Janine Michel Grinkstein’s Nurse
Eugene Browne Guard #1
Marc Estrada Guard #2
Grégår Patersån Guard #3
Michael Wain H.S. Owner
Anne Batt H.S. Owner’s Wife
Didier Belvisi Motorcycle Cop #1
André Lue Toussaint Motorcycle Cop #2
Guy Bozio-Bralino Newsagent
Steward Heading-Kitchen U.S. Detective


Trivia and Facts

  • The total running time of the movie is approximately 91 minutes.
  • “RPM” was released in the United States under the alternate title “R.P.M.”
  • Films such as “Projet RPM” in France, “Speedrider – Die Jagd nach dem Wunderauto” in Germany, “Fordulatszám” in Hungary, and “Złodziej prędkości” in Poland also go by the name of “RPM”.
  • The movie was filmed in Full Color and features a Stereo sound mix.
  • The original script of the movie was written by Roger Avary, who intended to direct the film. His planned cast included renowned actors such as Jean-Hugues Anglade, Chow Yun-Fat, Dolph Lundgren, Matt Dillon, Nastassja Kinski, Vanessa Paradis, Tchéky Karyo, Terence Stamp, Daniel Auteuil, Eric Stoltz, and Tom Savini. However, this version of the project never materialized due to budgetary constraints and lack of distribution.
  • “RPM” was referenced in the 1999 film, “Bang Boom Bang – Ein todsicheres Ding”.
  • One of the key quotes from the film is by Luke Delson (played by David Arquette): “It’s not about the money, it’s about the rush.”


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France
    • Latitude: 43.7101728
    • Longitude: 7.261953200000001
    • Place ID: ChIJMS2FahDQzRIRcJqX_aUZCAQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Nice, France
    • Timezone: Europe/Paris

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