Superman Returns (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Superman Returns (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This article is a simple guide about the 2006 movie, “Superman Returns”. You’ll discover where the film was shot, who the actors were and some interesting facts about the production. The film, directed by Bryan Singer, stars Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, and Kevin Spacey as Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor respectively.

Where it Filmed?

“Superman Returns” was filmed in various locations across Australia and the United States. These locations include Newcastle and Sydney in New South Wales, Australia. Interesting sites in these cities, like the Art Gallery Of New South Wales and the corner of Auckland & King Streets in Newcastle, were chosen for the shooting. In the United States, movie scenes were shot in Dodger Stadium, which is located at 1000 Vin Scully Avenue, Chavez Ravine, Elysian Park, Los Angeles, California. The filming commenced on Mar 16, 2005.MV5BMjA0MTI5ODQ2NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTAyNTMwMjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brandon Routh Clark Kent / Superman
Kate Bosworth Lois Lane
Kevin Spacey Lex Luthor
James Marsden Richard White
Parker Posey Kitty Kowalski
Frank Langella Perry White
Sam Huntington Jimmy Olsen
Eva Marie Saint Martha Kent
Marlon Brando Jor-El (archiveFootage)
Kal Penn Stanford
Tristan Lake Leabu Jason White
David Fabrizio Brutus
Ian Roberts Riley
Vincent Stone Grant
Jack Larson Bo the Bartender
Noel Neill Gertrude Vanderworth
James Karen Ben Hubbard (scenesDeleted)
Stephan Bender 15-Year-Old Clark
Peta Wilson Bobbie-Faye
Jeff Truman Gil
Barbara Angell Polly
Ian Bliss Shuttle Commander
Ansuya Nathan Shuttle Pilot
Sam Branson Shuttle Specialist
Warwick Young 777 Co-Pilot
Brad Buckley 777 Navigator
Bill Young Mission Control Flight Director
Thomas Stewart Mission Control Navigator
David Webb Mission Control Officer
Patricia Howson Museum Guard
Mirren Lee Vanderworth Relative
Hank Roberts Vanderworth Relative
Jordana Beatty Little Girl
Karina Bracken Hospital Ward Nurse
Raelee Hill Hospital Nurse
Lee James Doctor
Michael Duggan Doctor
Keegan Joyce Boy with Camera
Julian Pulvermacher German Anchor
Rebecca Barratt German Reporter
Penelope Heath Sydney Reporter
Ted Maynard News Anchor #1
Ed Wightman News Anchor #2 / Hospital Reporter #4
Prue Lewarne News Anchor #3
Paul Shedlowich News Anchor #4
Barry Quin News Anchor #5
Francine Bell News Anchor #6
Genevieve Davis Reporter at Deli
Adrian Jarrett Deli Robber
Marcello Fabrizi British Talk Show Host
Donald MacDonald British Scientist
Robert Meyer Burnett Cape Canaveral Reporter
Terrell Dixon Hospital Policeman
Duff Watkins Sergeant at Hospital
Narelle Valentine Hospital Reporter #1
Rebecca Rocheford Davies Hospital Reporter #2
Wayne McDaniel Hospital Reporter #3
Lisa Harrison Hospital Reporter #5
Rohan Michael Hospital Reporter #7
Karen Pang Hospital Reporter #8
Monique Dykstra Administration Nurse
Kevin Fisher Security Guard #1
John Lucantonio Security Guard #2
Rob Flanagan Bank Gunner
Phillip Henry Police Sharp Shooter
Henry Browne Taxi Driver
Darin Rossi Home Plate Umpire
Aaron Chato Boy with Dog
Alison Araya Actor (uncredited)
Brendan Byrne Pedestrian (uncredited)
William Cheung Businessman (uncredited)
Andrew Cole Metropolis Museum Patron (uncredited)
Michael Dougherty Student #1 at Metropolis Museum (uncredited)
Dan Ewing Uni Student (uncredited)
Xavier Fernandez Bank robber (uncredited)
Jay Finocchiaro University Student (uncredited)
Dan Harris Student #2 at Metropolis Museum (uncredited)
Darren K. Hawkins Metropolis Citizen (uncredited)
Yutaka Izumihara Japanese Presenter (uncredited)
Angela Johnson Daily Planet Office Worker (uncredited)
Sally Kimpton Party-goer (uncredited)
Lara Lewington Weathergirl (uncredited)
Lara Lukich Actor (uncredited)
Paul J. Mailath Office Worker (uncredited)
Tony Newton Metropolis Hospital Head Doctor (uncredited)
Courtney Powell Metropolis Citizen (uncredited)
Bobby Roe Ravens Baseball Player (uncredited)
Bobby Scalercio Ravens Baseball Player (uncredited)
Brett Schroeder Crowd Extra (uncredited)
Roger Sciberras Daily Planet Reporter (uncredited)
Jennifer Sciole EMT (uncredited)
Jimmy Star Bank Robber (uncredited)
Derek Steen Student (uncredited)
Suzie Steen Hospital Reporter #1 (uncredited)
Jack Symon Jason White (uncredited)
Taris Tyler Daily Planet Reporter (uncredited)
Rajan Velu Paramedic No. 2 (uncredited)
Gordon Waddell Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Emma Whittaker Running Girl (uncredited)
Robert Zurobski Daily Planet Reporter (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • The action-adventure film was released on 30 Jun 2006 and has a running time of approximately 2 hours and 34 minutes.
  • Aside from the lead characters, the film also stars James Marsden as Richard White, Parker Posey as Kitty Kowalski, Frank Langella as Perry White, Sam Huntington as Jimmy Olsen, Eva Marie Saint as Martha Kent, and Marlon Brando (through archive footage) as Jor-El.
  • Superman Returns received several accolades and was nominated for an Oscar. It won 12 other awards and had 46 additional nominations.
  • The movie received 2,494 user reviews and 185 critic reviews.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
    • Latitude: -32.9282712
    • Longitude: 151.7816802
    • Place ID: ChIJ5QLHcRM-c2sRoKgyFmh9AQQ
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Newcastle NSW, Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Sydney
  • Location Name: Cnr Auckland & King Streets Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    • Latitude: -32.9282241
    • Longitude: 151.7709734
    • Place ID: EjRBdWNrbGFuZCBTdCAmIEtpbmcgU3QsIE5ld2Nhc3RsZSBOU1cgMjMwMCwgQXVzdHJhbGlhImYiZAoUChIJOcsOA2gUc2sR1-5prFg5yzsSFAoSCTnLDgNoFHNrEdfuaaxYOcs7GhQKEgm1BwwDaBRzaxGyBEdflS2nFRoUChIJe0Sb5GcUc2sRoB8jWyTiZLYiCg0_jV_sFaZpdlo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Auckland St & King St, Newcastle NSW 2300, Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Sydney
  • Location Name: Dodger Stadium – 1000 Vin Scully Avenue, Chavez Ravine, Elysian Park, Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0735795
    • Longitude: -118.2404671
    • Place ID: ChIJb_sQ8_nGwoAR7iIjI8a_aHg
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 1000 Vin Scully Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Australia
    • Latitude: -33.8790972
    • Longitude: 151.2199017
    • Place ID: ChIJ7bV1-XuuEmsR8LMyFmh9AQU
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia
    • Timezone: Australia/Sydney