American Bad Boy (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

American Bad Boy (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“American Bad Boy” is a movie directed by Obba Babatundé and written by Paul Goldsby. The storyline focuses on Samuel’s journey to become a successful hip-hop artist. Major roles are played by Katt Williams, Obba Babatundé, Ciarra Carter amongst others. In this article, we talk about the movie’s filming locations, onscreen players and share some intriguing facts about the film.

Where it Filmed?

The scenes of “American Bad Boy” were shot in Los Angeles, California, USA. The city’s iconic locations provided the perfect backdrop for the drama and romance in the storyline. Precise filming dates are still unspecified.MV5BMjA3MDI3MzY2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzE3MTk4NTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Katt Williams The Bruce
Obba Babatundé Pastor Lovely
Ciarra Carter Sonya
Antoine Cleveland Samuel
Ciera Payton Raven
Stevie Mack Reggie
Torrei Hart Wanda
Jason Turner Mr. Bullock
Johnny Louis III Fella Soul
Billy ‘Sly’ Williams Cutty
Brittany Mayti Tawnie
Ronnie Warner Pump
Natalie Lymor Lynda
Andrew Adams Shawnie
Josiah Black Rooster
Chris Blount Rick Johnson
Hilda Boulware Beth
Orlando Brown Charles
Ron Byrd Bodyguard
Lauren Byrnes Goodie
Phillip Coward Sweeper #2
Edythe Davis Zelda Maxine
Tamara Goodwin Bridgette
Valinta Grace Black Package
Lamar Hoke Jr. Decon Jones
Jossette Hoke Gladys
Bryana Holcomb Choir Member
Pamala Jones Sara
Jenny Lin Angel
Carl Trent McGee Bongo Player
Ibory Moore Club Regular
Angela Nordeng Misty
Tiarra Randle Exclusive
Reno Rankin Hit Man
Andrea Saavedra Dream
Damien Smith Whip
Rhonda Stubbins White Cynthia

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Trivia and Facts

  • The film was released on 2nd June 2015 in the USA.
  • The movie falls under the genres of drama and romance.
  • Its runtime is 1 hour and 37 minutes.
  • The film was principally shot in English language.
  • “American Bad Boy” Co-Executive Producer Alonzo Williams is the person who first discovered the famous rapper Dr. Dre and co-founded his first rap group, the World Class Wrecking Crew.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles