Redeemed (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Redeemed (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Redeemed” was released in 2014. It shows the story of Paul Tyson, a businessman who faces troubles in his marital life when a woman named Julia enters his life. The movie became interesting due to the locations where it was filmed and the performances of the actors like Ted McGinley, Teri Copley, and Ana Ayora.

Where it Filmed?

“Redeemed” was filmed in two major areas – Los Angeles in California, USA and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The unique aspects of both locations added to the appeal and context of the movie. The movie was filmed and shot there during 2014.MV5BNDg0NDE0ODIzMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzEyNzI1MjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ted McGinley Paul
Teri Copley Beth
Ana Ayora Julia
Russell Wolfe Matt Prudential
Kevin Downes Ryan
Grant Goodeve Friend
Cordelia Sonnenschein Ruby
Karen Peck Rose
Gibson Bobby Sjobeck Cooper
Paige Omartian Brenda
Marcos Soares Marcos Soares
David A.R. White David
Frank Santora Pastor Monty
Megan Alexander Liz
Ross Araujo Rio Cabbie
Cameron Britton Alex
Mayuto Correa Mr. Costa
Brad Heller Hotel Clerk
Jordan Lee Paul’s friend
Anne McDaniels Paul’s Fantasy Date
Kent McGuire Banker
Segun Oduolowu Computer Tech
Victoria Paege Tycor employee
Thaao Penghlis Doctor
Carey Scott Todd
Wendy Shapero Computer Analyst
Terry F. Smith Wedding Guest (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • Most of the star cast, including Ted McGinley, Teri Copley, and Grant Goodeve, have worked together previously on The Love Boat.
  • The movie was directed by David A.R. White, produced by Michael Scott, and written by Tommy Blaze.
  • Budgeted at $1,000,000, this movie was featured in “Pure Flix and Chill: The David A.R. White Story(2018)”.
  • Lastly, “Redeemed” had a total runtime of 88 minutes and was deemed not rated in the United States.”

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles