Goodbye, New York (1985) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Goodbye, New York (1985) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Goodbye, New York” was released in 1985 and falls under the Comedy and Drama category. The movie narrates the story of a spoiled Irish-Jewish woman named Nancy Callighan, played by Julie Hagerty, who embarks on a journey to see the world after her husband betrays her. The film provides an engaging experience combined with captivating behind-the-scenes facts and trivia.

Where it Filmed?

“Goodbye, New York” was filmed in Israel. However, the specific filming dates are not available. The narrative moves along with several picturesque locations in Israel captured to create a beautiful backdrop for the unfolding events of the movie.MV5BMTU3NzU3NjM0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDA5NTkwMzE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Julie Hagerty Nancy Callaghan
Amos Kollek David
Shmuel Shiloh Moishe
Aviva Ger Ilana
Jennifer Babtist Lisa
Christopher Goutman Jack
Hanan Goldblatt Avi
Chaim Banai Airport Policeman
Irit Ben Zur Airport Official12
Bella Ben David Supply Room Supervisor
Moshe Ish-Kassit Construction Supervisor
Lasha Rosenberg Ground Stewardess
Ali Reed Girl in Hotel
Danny Segev Arik
Reuven Dayan Sasson
Yoel Liba Eitan
Shimon Sabach Taxi Driver
Katherine Bergholm Brit
Maria Ljung Ingrid
Ezra Aharon Bedouin with Camel
Kachina Myers Girl with Jack
Lorry Goldman Businessman in Elevator
William Preston Elevator Man
Amos Lavi Paul Newman Look-alike
Nathan Wolfovich Hotel Receptionist
Chana Yachin Gitel
David Moonshine Bible Salesman
Teddy Kollek Passer-by
Paul Kutcher Rabbi at airport (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

The film was marked by an interesting array of actors. Julie Hagerty shines in the leading role as Nancy Callaghan. Amos Kollek and Shmuel Shiloh also give memorable performances. The movie was written by Amos Kollek and the film also features him as one of the main characters. The film features diversified and natural performances by the cast, making it a unique experience for the audience. Despite its dramatic narrative, the movie keeps the audience engaged with its humor and wit providing an interesting blend of comedy and drama.

The film’s unique selling point is its filming locations, being entirely shot in Israel, providing unique, raw, and scenic locations that adds a distinct visual appeal to the movie. This combination of a good story, acting, coupled with an attractive filming location brings a feeling of freshness and draws the audience’s curiosity.

Another engaging aspect of the film showcased the character Nancy Callighan who took sedatives on her flight to Paris and woke up in Tel Aviv without her luggage and money. This situation intensifies the drama in the film and adds a touch of realism as the audiences can connect with the character’s predicament.

Lastly, the film has a runtime of 90 minutes and features an engaging and captivating soundtrack, including the song “I want to try”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Israel
    • Latitude: 31.046051
    • Longitude: 34.851612
    • Place ID: ChIJi8mnMiRJABURuiw1EyBCa2o
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Israel
    • Timezone: Asia/Jerusalem