Final Sale, a Not Rated crime drama from 2011, is a thrilling movie with a runtime of 1h 31min. The film story revolves around a woman who has an illegal organ transplant and later discovers the young girl who donated her kidney died. Directed by Andrew C. Erin, the movie stars Laura Harris, Ivan Sergei, and Kaitlin Doubleday. Stick around to know more about this film’s shooting locations, intriguing trivia, and fun backstage facts.
Where it Filmed?
The shooting of Final Sale took place in California, USA. The specific filming locations are East Los Angeles and Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the exact dates of filming are not available.
Cast Details
Cast Name | Role |
Laura Harris | Ally Graves |
Ivan Sergei | Ryan Graves |
Kaitlin Doubleday | Kate Johnson |
Jonathan LaPaglia | Dolan |
Daniel Roebuck | Ted |
Robert Carradine | Bowman |
Adam Kaufman | Ben Martin |
Marco Rodríguez | Diego |
Reynaldo Rosales | Dr. Hayworth |
Alex Nesic | Anthony |
Christopher Maleki | Father Suarez |
Amy Van Horne | Carmen |
Aidee Salgado | Rosa Garcia |
Jaime Aymerich | Eduardo Garcia |
Norma Maldonado | Eva Garcia |
Michael Bentt | Sergeant Willis |
Ronnie Steadman | Alex |
Kate Cole | Jen |
Stewart Scott | Det. Stewart |
Delila Vallot | Night Nurse |
Sharri Calderon | Hotel Cleaning Lady |
David Banuelos | Paramedic (uncredited) |
Richard Coley | Cop (uncredited) |
Nino Nava | Miguel Garcia (uncredited) |
Omar Apanco Salgado | Police Officer (uncredited) |
Tim Scanlon | Cop (uncredited) |
Trivia and Facts
Interesting facts about the film are not available for now. However, stick around for updates.
Geo Location Details
- Location Name: East Los Angeles, California, USA
- Latitude: 34.0224417
- Longitude: -118.1669736
- Place ID: ChIJn_-DrXHPwoARt0NFf2Uoi1E
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: East Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
- Latitude: 34.0549076
- Longitude: -118.242643
- Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
- Map Link: Google Map
- Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles