As It Is in Heaven (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

As It Is in Heaven (2014) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“As It Is in Heaven” is a drama movie that unraveled in 2014. It narrates a story about a man taking lead of a small religious group after their Prophet’s demise as they strain in wait for the world’s end. This film showcases the genius of Joshua Overbay as its director and features actors like Todd Bagley, Shannon Kathleen Baker, and Luke Beavers.

Where it Filmed?

The entire movie was shot in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. The specific filming dates remain undisclosed. This location offered the perfect scene to convey anxiety cultivated by religious beliefs in the movie’s narrative.MV5BNzA3YjA0OTItY2I3Ny00YTZmLTk2OTgtZjgyODA1MmE4ZWNhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA4NjE0NjEy. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Todd Bagley Daniel
Shannon Kathleen Baker Deb
Luke Beavers Eamon
Kassandra Botts Grace
Sylvia Boykin Carmella
Meredith Cave Joy
Janelle M. Gore Lilly
Carola Lina Azra
John Lina Edward
Timothy Morton Cult Member
Chris Nelson David
Jin Park Abiella
Abi Van Andel Naomi

Trivia and Facts

  • Jin Park, a prominent cast member participated in this movie by playing the role of Abiella.
  • The film won an award and also got nominated for one.
  • The movie was entirely funded with an estimated budget of $16,000.
  • As It Is in Heaven is the work of Solis Films production company.
  • The film is a part of the genre drama as classified by the filmmakers.
  • The film’s run-time is approximately 1 hour and 26 minutes.
  • The movie’s tagline significantly sums up its narrative. It says: “A feature film about a cult leader who struggles to cling to his faith and keep his community together after his end-of-days prophecy does not come to pass.”
  • Multiple professionals like Christopher Free an executive producer, Ginny Lee Overbay a writer and Ben Zoeller, who was in charge of music centralized their creativity to make the film a success.