Just Let Go (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Just Let Go (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Just Let Go is a dramatic film released in 2015 in the USA. The movie has a runtime of 1 hour and 46 minutes, and it shares the story of Chris Williams who tries to forgive the young man responsible for a drunk driving accident that killed his pregnant wife and kids. Filling the lead roles are actors like Henry Ian Cusick, Brenda Vaccaro, and Sam Sorbo.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Specific filming dates have not been listed but one can be sure that the beautiful scenery of Salt Lake City plays a key role in the movie’s setting and atmosphere.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Henry Ian Cusick Chris Williams
Brenda Vaccaro Nadine Williams
Sam Sorbo District Attorney
Paris Warner Teenage Girl
Dan Fowlks EMT
Jacob Buster Sam Williams
Richard Sharrah Daniel Kaff
Anne Sward Michelle’s Mom
Sewell Whitney Vance Mellen
Renny Grames Jillian
Jill Adler Distraught Mother
Eli Cusick Young Chris Williams
JJ Neward Counselor
Carolyn Koskan Marilyn Wright
Barta Heiner Mrs. Connelly
Kymberly Mellen Rehabilitation Nurse
Bryce Chamberlain Chris’ Father
Derrick Dean Brother-in-law
Lucas McGraw Carl
Christopher S. Clark Radio Personality
Aubrey Cramer Clerk
Lexi Walker Anna Williams
Jeffrey Hanson Boss
Marty Steinberg Judge
Liam Buie Michael Williams
Josh Miller Second Counselor
Mitchell Ferrin Curtis Wright
Nathan Lesser Ben Williams
Jason Craig West Church Speaker
Ryka Miller Michelle Williams
Christian R. Lambert Flashback Police Officer


Trivia and Facts

  • An interesting trivia about this film is that during Chris’ sermon at church near the end of the movie, the actual Chris Williams can be seen seated in the audience on the front row.