Death Blow (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Death Blow (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The film “Death Blow” is a thriller movie released in 2023 with a running time of 1 hour 44 minutes. The film focuses on David (played by Duncan Weston), a family man who stumbles upon a large sum of money and wrestles with the decision of what to do with it. The film is directed and written by Christopher Leto and stars Ken Anthony II, Alexis Baca, and Honeylet Conlu among others.

Where it Filmed?

“Death Blow” was primarily filmed in Tampa, Florida, USA. However, the specific filming dates are not disclosed. This film was successfully created in this location which met the needs of the storyline accurately.MV5BZjVkZTlkOTMtMmY2NC00MWZlLWI5ZTYtZGM0MWIwODM1OTAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjMwMjg1MDc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Ken Anthony II The Man
Alexis Baca Gloria
Honeylet Conlu Lisa
Joe Davison Tom
Sean Donohue Chuck
Jaki Draper Erika
Aubrey Fowler Bar patron
Arielle Fray Roxy
Bob Glazier Dr. Weiss
Sushii Xhyvette Holder Jade
Christopher Leto Cop
Topher Long Mr. Beck
Vera Marlowe Star
Katie McKinley Amy
Paul Mckinley Mike
Adam T. Ricketts Jogger
Dade Storey Scotty
Aja Toombs Halley
Patrick Duncan Weston David
Klein Wong The Surgeon

MV5BYmIyYjk3M2MtYjJjMi00YzZjLWJiZTgtMzJjNmVlNWFiNDdkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjMwMjg1MDc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie title “Death Blow” was initially mentioned in the sitcom “Seinfeld” Season 8, Episode 4.
  • A notable highlight of the film is the win of 1 award and 2 nominations that it garnered.
  • Surprisingly, the entire movie was produced on an estimated budget of only $2,600.
  • While the film is a thrilling tale of decisions, it also involves a level of nudity and piercing, as indicated in its plot keywords.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Tampa, Florida, USA
    • Latitude: 27.9516896
    • Longitude: -82.45875269999999
    • Place ID: ChIJ4dG5s4K3wogRY7SWr4kTX6c
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Tampa, FL, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York