Why Would I Lie? (1980) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Why Would I Lie? (1980) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Why Would I Lie?” is a movie from 1980. In this article, we will discover the various locations where the film was shot, the characters, and who played them. Additionally, we will explore fun facts and interesting behind-the-scenes information about the movie.

Where it Filmed?

The film “Why Would I Lie?” was shot in Spokane, Washington, USA. The filming began on August 13, 1979, and continued until October 1979.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Treat Williams Cletus
Lisa Eichhorn Kay
Susan Heldfond Amy
Anne Byrne Hoffman Faith
Valerie Curtin Mrs. Bok
Jocelyn Brando Mrs. Crumpe
Nicolas Coster Walter
Severn Darden Dr. Barbour
Jane Burkett Natalie
Kay Cummings Edith
Mia Bendixsen Thelma
Ilene Kristen Waitress
Harriet Gibson Mary Kalinsky
Cynthia Hoppenfeld Opel McCarthy
Mitzi Hoag Mrs. Hayworth
Natalie Core Mrs. Gogle
Shirley Slater Warden
Elizabeth Kerr Customer
Michael Shane Bartender
Eric Haims Protest Leader
Marcia Nicholson Protestor
Gino Ardito Sergeant
Martin Cassidy Lieutenant
Susan Elliot Diner
Lonnie Lloyd Pottery Girl
Mary Kay Pupo Welfare Worker
Jan D’Arcy Card Player
Marian Gants Card Player
Joe Gillis Junkshop Keeper
Ron Graves Policeman
Stephen Bates Little Cletus


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released on August 8, 1980. It is a 1-hour 45-minute comedy and drama film.
  • The lead character, Cletus, is played by Treat Williams. Cletus is a person who tends to lie a lot, although he prefers calling it ‘fabrication’ instead.
  • The role of Jeorge, a boy detached from his mother and assigned to Cletus, is played by Gabriel Macht.
  • Another significant character, Kay, is played by Lisa Eichhorn.
  • The film was directed by Larry Pearce, and the screenwriters were Hollis Hodges and Peter Stone.
  • The movie has received two nominations for awards.
  • The movie marked the first acting role for Gabriel Macht.
  • “Why Would I Lie?” had a budget of approximately $4,500,000 and earned $52,473 on its opening weekend in the United States.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Spokane, Washington, USA
    • Latitude: 47.6579711
    • Longitude: -117.4235319
    • Place ID: ChIJ5ee7MFwYnlQRsdmEC9bJ_N0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Spokane, WA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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