Imani (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Imani (2023) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “Imani” from the year 2023 is an action thriller that lasts 117 minutes. This film, directed by Mike Ho and featuring stars Brittany S. Hall, Demetrius Shipp Jr., and Kris D. Lofton, tells the story of a woman who uncovers her secret identity as a special ops lieutenant a year after surviving an alleged car accident. This article includes information about the movie’s filming locations, behind-the-scenes details, and some fun trivia.

Where it Filmed?

“Imani” was filmed in Santa Clarita, located in the U.S. state of California. However, detailed filming dates are not provided.MV5BODMyZDhlMzYtNDQwMS00ZTg1LWFlYjktYTdhNDJhNWI2OWEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjYyODEwMDU@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brittany S. Hall Faith Newford
Demetrius Shipp Jr. Bryce Newford
Kris D. Lofton Raymond ‘Supreme’ Avant Jr
Stephen Bishop Sen Grant Powell
Reginald VelJohnson Otis Layne
Elyse Mirto Gen Michelle Dupree
Corey Calliet Khalil dames / Myles baker
Michael Monks Sec Arthur Bridges
Sydney-Lake Bradley Jada Newford
Isaac Stephen Montgomery Jonathan Taylor
Quami Adams CIA Man
Gunnar Anderson Officer Samuel Littson
Rene Aranda Paramedic
Azur-De Dominique Martin
Brittany B. Karena Johnson
Joy Benedict Lydia Jacobs – News Reporter
Ohad Bitton Afghan Soldier
William DePaolo Patrol Sergeant Anthony Russo
Shaun Duke Jr. American Soldier
Kevin Gance Paramedic
David Hill Detective
Cynthia Shawnee Ho Nola Rojas
Harvey B. Jackson Police Officer
Aaron D. King Henchmen #1
Ruben R. Luna Police Officer
Mahmoud Mahmoud President’s Chief of Staff
Krystle Martin CIA Woman
Jay Montalvo Det. Daniel Hoffman
Omar Munoz Swat Officer
Jay Olegario Nurse
Graciela Patiño Amy Shaw / Nanny
Maz Siam President Zalmai
Alexander Stasko Special agent
Stanislav Tabirta Special Agent Scott
Melissa Tracy Fundraiser Attendee 3

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was referenced in the 2023 production “Snow Falls”.
  • Action scenes and drama are the key elements of “Imani”.
  • The main character, Faith, after realizing her secret identity, holds crucial information of a large government conspiracy.
  • The key performers who brought life to the movie include Brittany S. Hall as Faith Newford, Demetrius Shipp Jr. as Bryce Newford, and Kris D. Lofton as Raymond ‘Supreme’ Avant Jr.
  • Amaleka McCall and Tu-Shonda Whitaker, the writers of the movie, crafted the thrilling story of “Imani” under the direction of Mike Ho.
  • The movie is a certified TV-MA (Mature Audiences) in the United States, suggesting it may contain content unsuitable for children under 17.
  • Manny Halley, Yolanda Halley, and Rodney Turner II were the main producers of the movie. Manny Halley also supervised the music for “Imani”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Santa Clarita, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.3916641
    • Longitude: -118.542586
    • Place ID: ChIJJxjVrDOGwoARSNYFc-CPSlY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Santa Clarita, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles