Raising Flagg (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Raising Flagg (2006) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Raising Flagg is a comedy movie made in 2006. The film is centered around a handyman, played by Alan Arkin, who is involved in a long-standing rivalry with his neighbor, portrayed by Austin Pendleton. This article explores the various locations where this movie was made, the actors attached to each character, and interesting facts and trivia about the film.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot in the United States, specifically in Portland and St. Helens, both found in the state of Oregon. However, no specific filming dates are available at this time. The choice of filming locations greatly contributed to the movie’s overall feel and setting.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Alan Arkin Flagg Purdy
Lauren Holly Rachel Purdy
Glenne Headly Anne Marie Purdy
Barbara Dana Ada Purdy
Austin Pendleton Gus Falk
Daniel Quinn Travis Purdy
Matthew Arkin Eldon Purdy
Robert Blanche Matt Durwood
Lyssa Browne Tammy Purdy
George Fosgate Foster Cooper
Jordan Fry Porter Purdy
Ernie Garrett Neighbour
Todd C. Guzze Gardner #2
Jan Hoag Judge Walters
Clifton James Ed McIvor
Richard Kind Bill Reed
Sherilyn Lawson Radio Guest (voice)
Stephanie Lemelin Jenny Purdy
Dawn Maxey Linette Purdy
Betty Moyer Glaring Woman
Rebecca Nachison Melinda – Casserole Neighbor
Vana O’Brien Aunt Edith
Janet Penner Jury Forman
Paul Rawson Mannie
Joshua Thorpe

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Trivia and Facts

  • The comic movie was released on the 25th of April in 2008 for the Mexican audience.
  • Raising Flagg is a PG-13 movie with a runtime of 1 hour and 43 minutes.
  • The movie was directed by Neal Miller, who also co-wrote the movie with Nancy Miller and Dorothy Velasco.
  • The main stars of the movie are Alan Arkin, Lauren Holly, and Glenne Headly.
  • The movie had 9 user reviews and 3 critic reviews.
  • The movie was produced by Nancy Miller and Neal Miller.
  • Raising Flagg’s storyboard was based on a story by John D. Weaver.
  • Other than the United States, the film was also known by different names in various countries. In Mexico, it was known as “Levantando a papa” while in Poland it’s known as “Zrzęda”.
  • The movie was distributed by Cinema Libre Studio in the United States and had special effects services provided by Rubicon Film Productions Ltd.
  • The movie was produced under the companies Oregon Creative LLC and Rubicon Film Productions Ltd.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Portland, Oregon, USA
    • Latitude: 45.515232
    • Longitude: -122.6783853
    • Place ID: ChIJJ3SpfQsLlVQRkYXR9ua5Nhw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Portland, OR, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: St. Helens, Oregon, USA
    • Latitude: 45.8589637
    • Longitude: -122.8212297
    • Place ID: ChIJWRpQGElQlFQRtBT8no4LTJo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: St Helens, OR, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles