Astraea (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Astraea (2015) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie Astraea, released in 2015, is a blend of adventure and drama genres. It’s about a telepathic teenage girl named Astraea, who’s travelling through America after a catastrophic event made a big part of the human population extinct. Her journey leads her to a snowy wilderness in Maine where she interacts with other survivors. The movie is directed by Kristjan Thor and features Scotty Crowe, Jessica Cummings, and Nerea Duhart in the lead roles.

Where it Filmed?

Astraea was predominantly shot in the state of Maine, USA. This facilitated the film’s post-apocalyptic and wintry visual setup. Unfortunately, the specific dates of filming aren’t available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Scotty Crowe Matthew
Jessica Cummings Callie
Nerea Duhart Astraea
Alec Judelson Theo
Dan O’Brien James
Joan Russo Nan
Charlotte Williams Lucy

Trivia and Facts

  • Director Kristjan Thor was particularly inspired to intermix the conceptual aspects of a teenage coming-of-age story with the backdrop of an apocalyptic world. In his words, the movie is his passionate effort to portray Astraea’s unique and intimate circumstances in an empty world.
  • The film unfolds in a world where the cities are silent, and humans are almost extinct. Astraea’s pursuit is to find survivors and rebuild her way of life.
  • Astraea’s telepathic abilities intensify as her journey progresses, painting her experiences as metaphorical representations of the trials and tribulations associated with teenage years.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Maine, USA
    • Latitude: 45.253783
    • Longitude: -69.4454689
    • Place ID: ChIJ1YpTHd4dsEwR0KggZ2_MedY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Maine, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York