Shades of Ray (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Shades of Ray (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Shades of Ray” is a 2008 comedy-drama movie that provides an exploration of cultural identity and love. Directed and written by Jaffar Mahmood, the film features actors like Zachary Levi, Fran Kranz, and Sarah Shahi in a story about a young man of mixed descent grappling with his identity and relationships. Get to discover more about the filming locations, acting stars, and surprising details about this film.

Where it Filmed?

The entire filming of “Shades of Ray” took place in the busy city of Los Angeles, California, USA. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates for this production are not disclosed. The story unfolds within the urban landscapes and diverse communities of this city, reflecting the main character’s multicultural experience.
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Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Zachary Levi Ray Rehman
Fran Kranz Sal Garfinkle
Sarah Shahi Sana Khaliq
Bonnie Somerville Noel Wilson
Brian George Javaid Rehman
Kathy Baker Janet Rehman
Gerry Bednob Naseem Khaliq
Phil Rosenthal Director #1
Jasen Wade Mitch
Rex Lee Dale
Cody Klop Sal
age 12
Jake Kasdan Director #3
Art Evans Tyler
David Doty Pierre
Sharmila Devar Shirmeen
Caitlin Crosby Nicki Evans
Wendy Braun Sabrina
Nazanin Boniadi Farah
Keith Blaney Ipod Guy
Lance Barber Karaoke Singer
Aris Alvarado Grocer
Buckley Norris Teamster
Lucy Davis Director #2
Lucas Kinan Ray
age 12
Cristine Rose Mrs. Khaliq
Yamil Vazquez Man in Bar
Damon Viola Diner in Resturant

Trivia and Facts

  • The film won the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature Film at the South Asian International Film Festival in New York City.
  • A memorable goof in the film happens when Ray sends Sana a postcard to Mexico using only regular postage. International postage rates should have been applied for this to be accurate.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Los Angeles, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.0549076
    • Longitude: -118.242643
    • Place ID: ChIJE9on3F3HwoAR9AhGJW_fL-I
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Los Angeles, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles