Mutilation Mile (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Mutilation Mile (2009) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie ‘Mutilation Mile’ was released in 2009 with a runtime of 82 minutes. The film, directed by Ron Atkins, is a crime and horror story inspired by true events that took place in 1993. Stars Lawrence Bucher, Susan Bull, and Dennis Cadena bring the story to life as they portray the characters embarking on a violent killing spree, and this piece provides insight into the film’s shooting locations, actors, and interesting facts.

Where it Filmed?

Scenes for ‘Mutilation Mile’ were shot in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. A bustling city known for its vibrant nightlife, Las Vegas provided the perfect setting for the movie’s thrilling plotline.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Lawrence Bucher Jack Degrasso
Susan Bull Roxy Jane
Dennis Cadena Freddy ‘The Fly’ Jones
Paul Dalleluche Sal Degrasso
Toni Ferrari The Hitchhiker
Steven Haydem The Hitman
Terry Hernandez The Freak
Tanya Jones Mary
Tammy Kanagy Jackie
Daniel McCabe Jimmy DeGrasso

Trivia and Facts

  • ‘Mutilation Mile’ is a crime and horror movie.
  • The film has a running time of 82 minutes.
  • Real events that happened in 1993 inspired the movie.
  • Lawrence Bucher, Susan Bull, and Dennis Cadena are the film’s main actors.
  • Ron Atkins directed the movie and also served as the writer.
  • Atkins Entertainment was the company that produced the movie.
  • Apart from being crime and horror, the film is also a thriller.
  • The movie was shot in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
  • Certain credits for the movie include a phrase “Shot, Chopped, Carved and Dissected by Ron Atkins.”


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
    • Latitude: 36.171563
    • Longitude: -115.1391009
    • Place ID: ChIJ0X31pIK3voARo3mz1ebVzDo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Las Vegas, NV, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles