Fahrenheit 451 (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Fahrenheit 451 (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Fahrenheit 451 is a 2018 movie that delves into a horrifying future without books. The movie stars Michael B. Jordan as young fireman Guy Montag, in a world where his job is to burn existing books. This article provides a glimpse of the filming locations, an overview of the individuals involved in the movie, and interesting facts related to the film.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was primarily filmed in Canada. The specific locations include Hamilton, Ontario and the University of Toronto Scarborough campus at 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario. The detailing of filming dates is currently unavailable.MV5BMTU1MTE3NTQ0OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjc2ODA5NDM@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Michael B. Jordan Guy Montag
Aaron Davis Child Montag
Cindy Katz Yuxie (voice)
Michael Shannon Captain Beatty
Mayko Nguyen Newscaster
Dylan Taylor Fireman Douglas
Saad Siddiqui Fireman Stone
Katherine Cullen Girl Eel
Edsson Morales Guy Eel
Jordan Baker Reciting Child
Charlotte Flint Reciting Child
Luke Flint Reciting Child
Malakai Fox Neighbor
Marni Hogg Neighbor
Alison Smiley Neighbor
Laura Thorne Neighbor
Lilly Singh Raven
Warren Belle Montag’s Dad
Sofia Boutella Clarisse McClellan
Drew Nelson Bartender
Raoul Bhaneja Bobby Gosh
Keir Dullea Historian
Daniel Gravelle Teen in Clothing Store
Andrew Gillies Man in Shadows
Joanne Boland Clarisse’s Neighbor
Glenn Kelly Fireman Freeman
Lynne Griffin Old Woman / Grapes of Wrath
Jake Teel Singing Fireman
Zachary Wiseman Singing Fireman
Alexander Yarwood Singing Fireman
Scott Edgecombe Singing Fireman
Brett Kingswell Singing Fireman
Duane Murray Singing Fireman
Martin Donovan Commissioner Nyari
Ted Whittall Major Ron Curtis
Andy McQueen Gustavo
Joe Pingue Wayne Anderson (creditOnly)
David Tompa Angry Eel
Alex Spencer Store Owner
Tim Post Protesting Eel
Chad Camilleri Jeep Driver
Khandi Alexander Toni Morrison
Grace Lynn Kung Chairman Mao
Ted Dykstra Van Gogh
Jane Moffat Sam Shepard
Sean Jones James Baldwin
Keliyah Ogiamien Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Daniel Zolghadri Clifford
Uhraney Adrian Firefighter (uncredited)
Carrie Beale Citizen (uncredited)
Michael Giel Bouncer (uncredited)
Derek Herd Captured Eel (uncredited)
James M Jenkinson Tome (uncredited)
Regis Lemke Citizen (uncredited)
Blaine McKenzie Eel (uncredited)
Ed Robinson Carroll (uncredited)
Michelle Roy Eel (uncredited)
Michael Sercerchi Singing Fireman (uncredited)
Jayden Wong Mr. Beatle (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • Alongside Jordan, the movie features Aaron Davis and Cindy Katz. They took on the roles of Child Montag and Yuxie respectively.
  • The project was directed by Ramin Bahrani, with the script written by Ray Bradbury, Ramin Bahrani, and Amir Naderi.
  • The movie notched up several accolades and acknowledgements, including 5 Primetime Emmy nominations. It also had 3 wins and a total of 10 nominations.
  • The full cast was verified to consist of other actors like Michael Shannon, Mayko Nguyen, Dylan Taylor, Saad Siddiqui, Katherine Cullen, Edsson Morales, and Jordan Baker.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
    • Latitude: 43.2557206
    • Longitude: -79.8711024
    • Place ID: ChIJj3feJ2yYLIgRIQ7f2Fbuais
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Hamilton, ON, Canada
    • Timezone: America/Toronto