1776 (1972) Filming Locations and Cast Details

1776 (1972) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is about the 1972 movie “1776”, a musical take on the American Revolution’s political trials. It showcases actors like William Daniels, Howard Da Silva, and Ken Howard in key roles. Deep dive to discover more about the places they shot the film and other fascinating backstage details.

Where it Filmed?

The movie “1776” got filmed at the Columbia/Warner Bros. Ranch, located at 411 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, California, USA. The shooting took place from Oct 4, 1971, and wrapped up by the end of December in the same year.MV5BMjAwNTkzNzQ5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTc4Mzk2NjE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
William Daniels John Adams (MA)
Howard Da Silva Dr. Benjamin Franklin (PA)
Ken Howard Thomas Jefferson (VA)
Donald Madden John Dickinson (PA)
John Cullum Edward Rutledge (SC)
Roy Poole Stephen Hopkins (RI)
David Ford Congressional President John Hancock (MA)
Ron Holgate Richard Henry Lee (VA)
Ray Middleton Col. Thomas McKean (DE)
William Hansen Caesar Rodney (DE)
Blythe Danner Martha Jefferson
Virginia Vestoff Abigail Adams
Emory Bass Judge James Wilson (PA)
Ralston Hill Congressional Secretary Charles Thomson
Howard Caine Lewis Morris (NY)
Patrick Hines Samuel Chase (MD)
William Duell Andrew McNair
Congressional Custodian
Daniel Keyes Dr. Josiah Bartlett (NH)
Leo Leyden George Read (DE)
Stephen Nathan Courier
Jonathan Moore Dr. Lyman Hall (GA)
James Noble Rev. John Witherspoon (NJ)
John Myhers Robert Livingston (NY)
Rex Robbins Roger Sherman (CT)
Charles Rule Joseph Hewes (NC)
Andy Albin William Paca (MD) (uncredited)
William Bassett Thomas Heyward
Jr. (SC) (uncredited)
Nicolas Coster South Carolina Delegate (uncredited)
Jack De Mave John Penn (NC) (uncredited)
Gordon De Vol Thomas Lynch
Jr. (SC) (uncredited)
Frederic Downs Samuel Huntington (CT) (uncredited)
Peter Forster Oliver Wolcott (CT) (uncredited)
John Holland William Whipple (NH) (uncredited)
Heber Jentzsch Charles Carroll (MD) (uncredited)
Richard McMurray Francis Lewis (NY) (uncredited)
Mark Montgomery Leather Apron (uncredited)
Barry O’Hara George Walton (GA) (uncredited)
Dick O’Shea Francis Hopkinson (NJ) (uncredited)
Jordan Rhodes William Hooper (NC) (uncredited)
Fred Slyter Richard Stockton (NJ) (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • An interesting story from behind the scenes reveals Ken Howard rehearsing his lines from the play aloud on an airplane. This caused a bit of a scene as the revolutionary nature of the rhetoric led the plane’s crew to call the police. Howard was consequently questioned upon landing.
  • In an amusing goof, the movie implies South Carolina was resistant to the idea of independence, a fact far from the truth. South Carolina actually rewrote its constitution as early as 1774, removing all references to Royal Authority. The film, however, states that South Carolina was open to independence, not just from England, but also from other states.
  • The original theatrical version of the movie presents minimal opening credits that only include “Columbia Pictures presents” and the film’s title. The Director’s Cut and extended laserdisc edition, on the other hand, feature an elaborate main title sequence at the start.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Columbia/Warner Bros. Ranch – 411 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.1578705
    • Longitude: -118.3441702
    • Place ID: ChIJleBnRtK_woAR5KCUU8CV6Mo
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: 411 N Hollywood Way, Burbank, CA 91505, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

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