Walking with the Enemy (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Walking with the Enemy (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Walking with the Enemy is a movie filmed in 2013. The film, set in the time period of World War II, tells the story of a young man pretending to be a Nazi S.S. Officer in order to find his family. The main characters are portrayed by Vitalie Bichir, Florin Arhip, and Jonas Armstrong. This article talks about the details related to the filming locations, memorable moments during its shooting, and some interesting trivia connected to it.

Where it Filmed?

Walking with the Enemy was mostly filmed in Romania. The exact locations that were used include:

  • Castel Film Studios, Bucharest, Romania
  • Romania in general
  • The city of Bucharest, Romania
  • Fortified Church of Biertan, in Biertan, Sibiu County, Romania
  • These locations provided the dramatic backdrop necessary for the movie. The filming took place from May 3, 2011 until August 10, 2013.

    Cast Details

    Cast Name Role
    Vitalie Bichir Russian Captain
    Florin Arhip Russian Sniper
    Jonas Armstrong Elek Cohen
    David Leon Lajos
    Hannah Tointon Hannah Schoen
    Flora Spencer-Longhurst Rachel Schoen
    Mark Wells Ferenc Jacobson
    Michelle Miklosey Marketa
    Jeffrey C. Hawkins Andras
    George Icleanu Club Owner
    Vlad Radescu Mr. Schoen
    Naomi Capron Mrs. Schoen
    Avila Schmidt Trolley Girl
    Ann-Marie Schmidt Trolley Mother
    Simon Kunz Jozsef Greenberg
    Gay Hamilton Frau Lustig
    Charles Hubbell SS Colonel Eichmann
    Jonty Stephens Mr. Farkas
    Andrei Aradits Eichmann’s Aide
    Ken Bones Samuel Stern
    Richard Albrecht Rabbi Cohen
    Robert Jezek Mr. Balacz
    Heather Bleasdale Mrs. Cohen
    Jade Moulla Sofi Cohen
    Marco Alfieri Avram Cohen
    Alexandru Suciu Father Dominic
    Stefan Velniciuc Mr. Jacobson
    Mark Wingett Sorenzi
    Mihai Stanescu Uli
    Tom Bacon Samuel
    Simon Hepworth Ferenc Szalasi
    Patrick Toomey Wisliceny
    Burn Gorman Lt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny
    Ben Kingsley Regent Miklos Horthy
    Shane Taylor Miklos Horthy Jr.
    William Hope Carl Lutz
    Oana Draghici Mrs. Farkas
    Stephen Marzella David Keonig
    Simon Dutton Miklos Schoen
    Christopher Williams Jacob A. Nyomtato
    David Jon Wilson Drunken SS #1
    Dan Hembal Drunken SS #2
    Constantin Florescu Mr. Fein
    Casey Clem Glasshouse Clerk
    Laura-Nora Dinca Adam’s Mother
    Stefan Iancu Young Adam
    Sabina Branduse Nun
    Andrei Finti Father Kovic
    Oltin Hurezeanu Horthy’s Associate
    Ralph Brown Grudez
    Christopher Adlington Tamas
    Bogdan Farcas Arrow Cross #2
    Bogdan Mancea Arrow Cross Night Guard
    Andrew Brooke Captain Varga
    Shaun Schmidt Russian Thug
    Andrei Demeter Radio Broadcaster
    Paul Dumitrescu Fascist Broadcaster
    Giles Alderson Dorjan
    Robert Lonsdale Gyula
    Andrei Mateiu Wisliceny’s Aide
    Karl Backus Colonel Weber
    Graham Powell Weber’s Aide
    Florin Nica Violin Player
    Irina Saulescu Weber’s Secretary
    Aaron Kissinger Ari
    Florian Ghimpu Arrow Cross Guard #3
    Ioana Abur Woman
    Mark Colleano Pastor Novak
    Chrissie Cotterill Pastor’s Wife
    Marian Trasca Arrow Cross Shooter
    Catalin Paraschiv Arrow Cross Lieutenant
    Jose Fillipi Escaping Man
    Radu Iacoban Checkpoint Guard #1
    Andrei Runcanu Arrow Cross Man
    Maria-Antoaneta Tudor Young Mother
    Estera Zainea Daughter
    Eadu Campean Arrow Cross #6
    Debora Zainea Young Sophie
    Asier Newman Adam (Older)
    Diana Lolescu Maria
    Chad Gibbs Concentration Camp Laborer (uncredited) (voice)
    Diego Josef Adam (uncredited) (voice)
    Brooke McCormick Prisoner / Victim (uncredited) (voice)
    Cristian Motiu German Soldier 1 (uncredited)
    Alan O’Silva German Soldier 2 (uncredited)
    Alex Purje Shutzpass Prisoner (uncredited)
    Brian Schmidt Arrow Cross #7 (uncredited)
    Sunny D. Smith Mrs. Farkas / American Bride (uncredited) (voice)
    Szabolcs Tyukodi Labor Camp Guard (uncredited)
    István Téglás German Soldier 3 (uncredited)
    Roxanna Ravenor Yamamoto Mother (uncredited)

    MV5BOTQ1MTEyNzg2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDU3NzY1MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

    Trivia and Facts

    • Type: Movie
    • Genre: Action, Drama
    • Duration: 2 hours, 4 minutes
    • Released in USA on: April 25, 2014
    • Directed by: Mark Schmidt
    • Written by: Kenny Golde, Richard Lasser, Jack Snyder
    • Starred: Vitalie Bichir, Florin Arhip, Jonas Armstrong and others
    • Awards: The movie won 1 award
    • Reviews: It received 25 user reviews and 12 critical reviews

    As part of the cast, Vitalie Bichir played a Russian Captain, Florin Arhip appeared as a Russian Sniper, and Jonas Armstrong acted as Elek Cohen. There are many other players who contributed to make this film a success. Each one played a unique role adding to the depth and complexity of the story.MV5BNDU0NzczNjM3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTQ3NzY1MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820

    Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: Castel Film Studios, Bucharest, Romania
      • Latitude: 44.4371446
      • Longitude: 26.132574
      • Place ID: ChIJaaNJVgUCskARc6ezsnYUAeA
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Str. Matei Voievod 94Bis, București 021457, Romania
      • Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
    • Location Name: Romania
      • Latitude: 45.943161
      • Longitude: 24.96676
      • Place ID: ChIJw3aJlSb_sUARlLEEqJJP74Q
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Romania
      • Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
    • Location Name: Bucharest, Romania
      • Latitude: 44.4267674
      • Longitude: 26.1025384
      • Place ID: ChIJT608vzr5sUARKKacfOMyBqw
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Bucharest, Romania
      • Timezone: Europe/Bucharest
    • Location Name: Fortified Church of Biertan, Biertan, Sibiu County, Romania
      • Latitude: 46.1351814
      • Longitude: 24.5213352
      • Place ID: ChIJuX9HA2WES0cRM6OFxdwoaw4
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Piața 1 Decembrie 1918 2, Biertan 557045, Romania
      • Timezone: Europe/Bucharest

    MV5BMTk5Mzg5OTA2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjQ3NzY1MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BMTcyNzQwMjk4MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzcyMjE1MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820MV5BMjM0NzI1NDAyNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTQ5Njk0MTE@. V1 QL75 UX820