The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The movie “The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec” came out in 2010. It’s about the adventures of a famous author, Adele Blanc-Sec, played by Louise Bourgoin, who is trying to handle various challenges from admirers, the police, monsters and other distractions. The film was directed by Luc Besson, and features other stars like Mathieu Amalric and Gilles Lellouche. This text will give you more information about where this movie was filmed and other exciting information about it.

Where it Filmed?

The making of “The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec” took place in several locations. The main filming places were:

  • Cairo, Egypt.
  • Jardin des Plantes, located at 57 rue Cuvier in Paris 5, Paris, France.
  • Place de la Concorde, located in Paris 8, Paris, France.
  • Rue de Rivoli, located in Paris 1, Paris, France.
  • Paris, France in general.
  • The filming took place between August and November in 2009.MV5BMjAyODM0Nzk1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjY4NjEwMDE@. V1 QL75 UX820

    Cast Details

    Cast Name Role
    Louise Bourgoin Adèle Blanc-Sec
    Mathieu Amalric Dieuleveult
    Gilles Lellouche Inspecteur Albert Caponi
    Jean-Paul Rouve Justin de Saint-Hubert
    Jacky Nercessian Marie-Joseph Espérandieu
    Philippe Nahon Le professeur Ménard
    Nicolas Giraud Andrej Zborowski
    Gérard Chaillou Président Armand Fallières
    Serge Bagdassarian Ferdinand Choupard
    Claire Pérot Nini les Gambettes
    François Chattot Raymond Pointrenaud
    Stanislas de la Tousche Le chauffeur Pointrenaud
    Youssef Hajdi Aziz
    Mohamed Aroussi Traître égyptien
    Moussa Maaskri Akbar
    Mostefa Zerguine Setimothep
    Sayed Mohamed Le pécheur égyptien
    Tonio Descanvelle Bertrand
    Pierre Khorsand Le crieur Louvre
    Guillaume Briat Le crieur Porte St. Denis
    Swann Arlaud Le crieur devant l’Élysée
    Jean-Louis Barcelona Louis
    Max Delor Le ministre de l’interieur
    Cyrille Dobbels Le préfet Lépine
    Patrick Chupin Dugommier
    Philippe Girard Cheval
    Éric Naggar L’éditeur d’Adèle
    Manu Layotte Le porteur
    Jean-Lou de Tapia Le chauffeur de taxi
    Monique Mauclair Miranda
    Mick Gondouin Le gardien de prison
    Jean-Pierre Prevotat L’avocat
    Dominique Macaire Un gardien de prison
    Luc Martin Un gardien de prison
    Christophe Bouisse Un journaliste
    Fabien Béhar Un journaliste
    Michel Aymard Un journaliste
    Yves Espargilière Le gardien de la prison gourmand
    Jérôme Courtois Le prisonnier peu gourmand
    Michel Sailly Le cuisinier de la prison
    Elise Marie Serveuse Tour Eiffel
    Galles Morin Le fermier
    Christophe Carotenuto Le gardien de prison jeune
    Jean-Michel Molé Le gardien de Vincennes
    Cédric Tuffier Le gardien de prison qui dort
    Pascal Loison Le prisonnier
    Jérôme Bruno Securité Président
    Roland Marchisio Le policier bègue
    Armand Eloi Un bourgeois
    Frédérique Bel Un bourgeois
    Christophe Seureau Un bourgeois
    Jacques Sablier Le loueur de fenètres
    Régis Royer La momie ‘Patmosis’
    Isabelle Caro La momie ‘Nosibis’
    Dominique Gras La Momie ‘Sephilomithes’
    Matila Malliarakis La momie ‘Semotep’
    Christian Erickson La momie ‘Ramses II’
    Michel Herse Un malfrat
    Jean-Michel Marnet Le concierge
    Vincent Debost Le vendeur de vétements
    Isabel Pestana Adèle jeune
    Justine Chesneau Agathe enfant
    Bernard Lanneau Le narrateur (voice)
    Jana Bittnerová
    Caroline Blot Danseuse de cancan
    Francis Coffinet Le docteur égyptien
    Julie Galopin Danseuse de cancan
    Amandine Marteau Danseuse de cancan
    Gaelle Pauly Danseuse de cancan
    Vanina Rouvier Danseuse de cancan
    Aurélie Rusterholtz La mère d’Adèle
    Léonore Zurfluh Danseuse de cancan
    Benjamin Broux Le serveur (uncredited)
    Clément Sageste Homme Sandwich (uncredited)
    Jacques Tardi Le poinçonneur (uncredited)

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    Trivia and Facts

    • The movie is titled “Les aventures extraordinaires d’Adèle Blanc-Sec” in its original French language.
    • It is a mix of action and adventure genres.
    • The film has a duration of 1 hour and 47 minutes.
    • It was released on the 14th of April, 2010 in Belgium.
    • Luc Besson directed the movie, and he co-wrote it with Jacques Tardi.
    • People who added their acting skills to the movie include Mathieu Amalric who acted as Dieuleveult and Gilles Lellouche who played the role of Inspecteur Albert Caponi.
    • The film managed to win 2 awards and was nominated for another.

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    Geo Location Details

    • Location Name: Cairo, Egypt
      • Latitude: 30.0444196
      • Longitude: 31.2357116
      • Place ID: ChIJ674hC6Y_WBQRujtC6Jay33k
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
      • Timezone: Africa/Cairo
    • Location Name: Jardin des Plantes – 57 rue Cuvier, Paris 5, Paris, France
      • Latitude: 48.8442737
      • Longitude: 2.36041
      • Place ID: ChIJjVddOvBx5kcRTbHAUElCG_E
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes, 57 Rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France
      • Timezone: Europe/Paris
    • Location Name: Place de la Concorde, Paris 8, Paris, France
      • Latitude: 48.8656331
      • Longitude: 2.3212357
      • Place ID: ChIJAQquYc1v5kcRLKslDuENAxg
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: 75008 Paris, France
      • Timezone: Europe/Paris
    • Location Name: Rue de Rivoli, Paris 1, Paris, France
      • Latitude: 48.8620181
      • Longitude: 2.3375312
      • Place ID: EhxSdWUgZGUgUml2b2xpLCBQYXJpcywgRnJhbmNlIi4qLAoUChIJt4MohSFu5kcRUHvqO0vC-IgSFAoSCT0rSNAlbuZHEVAalGjDggsF
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Rue de Rivoli, Paris, France
      • Timezone: Europe/Paris
    • Location Name: Paris, France
      • Latitude: 48.8575475
      • Longitude: 2.3513765
      • Place ID: ChIJD7fiBh9u5kcRYJSMaMOCCwQ
      • Map Link: Google Map
      • Place Address: Paris, France
      • Timezone: Europe/Paris

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