Primal Scream (1986) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Primal Scream (1986) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Primal Scream is a 1986 movie that blends science fiction with thriller elements. Directed by William J. Murray, the film stars Kenneth McGregor, Sharon Mason, and Julie Miller. This article discusses the filming locations, elements of the plot, and interesting facts about the movie and its production.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in two key locations in the United States. The first filming location was Atlantic City, New Jersey. The other location was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates are not available.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Kenneth McGregor Corby McHale
Sharon Mason Samantha Keller
Julie Miller Caitlin Foster
Joseph White Nickey Fingers
Jon Maurice Captain Frank Gitto
Stephen Caldwell Olan Robert Foster
Edward N. Fallon Dr. Charles Kesselman
Mickey Shaughnessy Charlie Waxman
Jenny Albert Vice President Clarke
Stephen Emhe Barman
Susan Farrell Santhany
Ann Horne Foulkrod Paramedic
Peter Harp Traffic Controller
Ryn Hodes Lisa
Morton Hodge Anton Kirar
Lon Hoffman Truck Driver
Gary Hollrah Bartender
Herb James Traffic Controller
Michael Laird O.E. Karp
Steve Langone Boyle
Vincent Langone Officer
Kevin Morrisey Thug
Vivian Nothaft Dirty Mary
Leonard Reino Pilot
Sven Widecrantz Hot Room Foreman
Joe Bucknam Extra (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The film is categorized as a Sci-Fi and Thriller movie with a running time of 1 hour and 25 minutes.
  • In the story, a private detective endeavors to prevent a massive corporation from mining a dangerous element that has the side effect of setting human flesh on fire and wreaking havoc on internal organs.
  • The movie was directed by William J. Murray, who also worked on the screenplay along with Dan Smeddy and David di Pietro.
  • Other notable cast members include Joseph White, Jon Maurice, Stephen Caldwell, and Edward N. Fallon.
  • Primal Scream was the last film in which Mickey Shaughnessy appeared. He passed away before it was released.
  • It has two alternative titles – “Hellfire” in the United Kingdom and “Meurtre sur commande” in France.
  • Certain parts of the film were highlighted in the 2018 film “Made a Movie, Lived to Tell.”

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
    • Latitude: 39.3642834
    • Longitude: -74.4229266
    • Place ID: ChIJIcdcblfdwIkRYlJn6UPLb0o
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Atlantic City, NJ, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 39.9525839
    • Longitude: -75.1652215
    • Place ID: ChIJ60u11Ni3xokRwVg-jNgU9Yk
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Philadelphia, PA, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York