Doe (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Doe (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

This is a simple outline about the film “Doe” from 2018, detailing main aspects like roles, filming locations, and shooting dates. The movie, primarily a thriller, unfolds the story of a man who loses his memory but gains the ability to speak several languages fluently, and his quest to reclaim his identity aided by a private detective. Major roles were performed by Timothy Davis as John, Tatyana Ali as Rachel, and Mathew St. Patrick as Carl.

Where it Filmed?

The film “Doe” was shot entirely in Los Angeles, California, USA. However, the exact shooting dates of the film are not provided. More interesting facts relating to the filming location and the production are explored in the following section.MV5BODAwYWUwYTgtY2ZhZi00NmQzLWFjOTQtYjljOTZmN2JkNmY3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTY4NzI0Mzc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Timothy Davis John
Tatyana Ali Rachel
Mathew St. Patrick Carl
Mira Sorvino The Executive
Aaron Farb Lucas
Anne Leighton Emmaline
Faithe Herman Jordan
Stacey Oristano Hollie
Steven Swadling George Hayes
Mackenzie Augustin Business Woman
Destiny Austin Prisoner
Chelsea Rae Barton Bartender
David Batchelor Biker #2
Allie Bergin Prisoner
Todd Aaron Brotze Akiva
Lee Chen Housekeeper
Debra Christofferson Margaret
David Cohen Prison Visitor
Josh Crotty Cage
Daniel Egan Shane
Lauren Elaine Valerie
Carl Gilliard Detective Franca
Connor Hill Zack
Sharon Houston Radio Hostess
David Hutchison Barkeep
Curtis Nelson II Michael Carnes
Nathan Nelson Business Man
Tony Pasqualini Professor Graves
Hoyt Richards Detective Rayburn
Nate Scholz Burke
Nina Senicar Rena
Tarun Shetty Doctor Morar
Sarah Chang Tadayon Marcy
Corinne van den Heuvel Business Woman
Hawk Walts Biker #1

MV5BY2YwYWRjY2EtYjI2OC00NGFiLTg2MGUtZjQzNzc4YmM2YzdkXkEyXkFqcGc@. V1 QL75 UX820

Trivia and Facts

  • The plotline revolves around an amnesiac protagonist named John Hutton who can fluently converse in multiple languages.
  • The director of the movie is Justin Foia, who also contributes as one of the writers along with Timothy Foia and Landon Reagan.
  • The film had a duration of approximately 1 hour and 38 minutes and falls under the TV-MA category.
  • The movie bagged one award and received reviews from 25 users and 2 critics.
  • The movie was produced by multiple production companies including Double El Productions, Sigil Entertainment, Room In The Sky Films, and Lexicon Entertainment.
  • The film’s story highlights the journey of John as he discovers more individuals like him – all amnesiacs with unique abilities.
  • Several goofs were present in the movie, for instance, one hears a thud when John faints and falls on grass.

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