They Call Me Macho Woman! (1989) Filming Locations and Cast Details

They Call Me Macho Woman! (1989) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“They Call Me Macho Woman!” is a film from 1989. This piece will walk you through where the movie was filmed, who played what character, and learn more about interesting aspects of the film and what happened behind the scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The movie was shot in the Santa Cruz Mountains in California, United States. Filming kicked off in January 1989.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Debra Sweaney Susan Morris
Brian Oldfield Mongo
Sean P. Donahue Terk
Mike Donahue Frankie
Jerry Johnson Georgie
J. Brown Mr. Wilson
Michael Terranova Joey
Bob Frazier Jake
Paul Henri Apples
Sean McCarty Billy
Eversley Forte Benny
Rick Slater Big J
Tony ‘Satch’ Williams Gasser
Paul Gomez Philip
Paul Roder Geno
Lory-Michael Ringuette Cecil Thorne
David Hall Sheriff
Cheryl De La Croix Biker Chick
Robert Beto Biker
Mike Carlton Biker
Mike Davis Biker

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie, “They Call Me Macho Woman!” was released in 1989.
  • Debra Sweaney played the lead role of Susan Morris, a big-city girl turned fearsome wilderness fighter.
  • Brian Oldfield played the role of Mongo, one of the muscular brutes.
  • Sean P. Donahue, among other roles, was also in the film.
  • “They Call Me Macho Woman!” was directed and written by Patrick G. Donahue and it ran for 1 hour 21 minutes.
  • The movie genre is a mix of action and comedy and it was released in the United States.
  • It was the second and last film starring Debra Sweaney.
  • The film was also known as “Savage Instinct”, “The Edge of Fear”, and “Nazywaja mnie Macho-Baba” in different regions.
  • The film was nominated for 1 award and has been referenced in the 1996 film “Tromeo and Juliet.”

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