Model Home (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Model Home (2018) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Model Home” is a drama-horror movie that was released in 2018. It centers on a single mother who accepts a peculiar proposition to inhabit an unoccupied home in a vacant property project. The director was Patrick Cunningham with William Day Frank as one of the writers, and the film stars Monique Gabriela Curnen, Kathy Baker, and Luke Ganalon.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Model Home” took place in Santa Clarita, California, USA. Unfortunately, the specific filming dates are not available at the moment. However, the work done behind the scenes in managing various aspects like camera operation, costume designing, art direction, etc., contributed significantly to bringing this movie to life.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Monique Gabriela Curnen Camila
Kathy Baker Brenda
Luke Ganalon Jaime
Jon Jon Briones Mr. Fan
Keram Malicki-Sánchez Dean
Maree Cheatham Mrs. Kakanian
Jasper Cole Walker
Victoria Cruz Rosario
Jill Jordan Krysti Culpo
Cici Lau Mrs. Fan
Sunny Vachher EMT Ritzmann

MV5BMDRkZjk5YTctZDZkMi00ZjAyLThhNTktYzVjY2YyYzg2MmI4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIwNzg2NjA@. V1 QL75 UX820

Trivia and Facts

  • The film features Monique Gabriela Curnen as the lead actress playing a single mom with Kathy Baker and Luke Ganalon in main roles.
  • The film has a run time of 1 hour and 22 minutes.
  • Critics gave the movie reviews and rated it, with several users also sharing their views.
  • Model Home was directed by Patrick Cunningham.
  • Among other trivia, in the early parts of the film, Brenda, who is a real estate agent, mentions that a cul-de-sac is named after her. The movie concludes with a van parked at the junction of Brenda Court and Ovington St.

MV5BNDliYTc2ZmItY2UzMi00NTkzLTliNjAtODc3YzA3NzVhNmJkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTIwNzg2NjA@. V1 QL75 UX820

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Santa Clarita, California, USA
    • Latitude: 34.3916641
    • Longitude: -118.542586
    • Place ID: ChIJJxjVrDOGwoARSNYFc-CPSlY
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Santa Clarita, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles