Squid Man (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Squid Man (2013) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Squid Man is a Comedy and Sci-Fi movie that debuted in 2013. It showcases the life of a superhero demoted from the Superhero Society, who has the unique ability to shoot ink from his fingers and toes. The characters are portrayed by actors including Andrew Roth, Laurel Schroeder, and Eric Bryant. This article focuses on the filming locations and discusses interesting facts associated with the movie ‘Squid Man’.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of the movie ‘Squid Man’ was done in Pennsylvania, USA. The exact dates of filming are not known.MV5BMTM3NDA3MDE1M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzI3MTA2OQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Andrew Roth Squid Man
Laurel Schroeder Martha
Eric Bryant Warren
Chad Eric Smith Pete
Rick Montgomery Jr. Lord Paradox
Paul Adamo Commercial Villain
Emily Brooks Young Woman in Park
Eric Chevlen Dr. Geralds
Susan Cirrincione TV Reporter
Charlie Cline Commercial Director
Gino DiNardo Male Co-Worker #2
Natalia Dove Plasma Girl
Laura Downes Picnic Girl
John Facemire Comic Book Fan
Gary Farrar Patriotic Superhero
Slavinsky Jaime Pam
Ben Kepner Dynamo Boy
Nick LaMantia Fang Boy
Matt Lamb Andrew
Brian Levine Male Co-Worker #1
Amanda Luppe Commerical Makeup Artist
David Minniefield Magnifico
Brittany Moreland Police Officer #2
Nate Newell Alien
Robyne Parrish Tammy
Ethan Pascoe Captain Quasar
Dave Petti Doctor
Angelo Quaranta Herb Wasserman
David Santiago Temp Agency Interviewer
William Sewak Jr. Brain Man
Michael Shahen The Manhandler
Jay Smith HR Man
Rebecca Tareshawty Female Co-Worker
J.J. Williams Marvin the Temp
Abby Young Young Martha
Andrew Zibritosky ‘Stole My Bicycle’ Guy

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie was released in 2013.
  • The duration of the movie is 1 hour 29 minutes.
  • This comedic and science fiction movie was directed and written by Charlie Cline.
  • Main roles were played by Andrew Roth (Squid Man), Laurel Schroeder (Martha), and Eric Bryant (Warren).
  • The key crew included Charlie Cline as the director and writer, Andrew Roth, Laurel Schroeder, and Eric Bryant as stars.
  • Some interesting trivia about the movie includes a fun fact about “Spongee Cakes” shown in the movie, which are a humorous stand-in for real life “Hostess fruit cakes”.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Pennsylvania, USA
    • Latitude: 41.2033216
    • Longitude: -77.1945247
    • Place ID: ChIJieUyHiaALYgRPbQiUEchRsI
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Pennsylvania, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York