My Family Treasure (1993) Filming Locations and Cast Details

My Family Treasure (1993) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“My Family Treasure” from 1993 and “My Fair Lady” from 1964. These two films, renowned for their compelling stories and charismatic actors, also have noteworthy filming locations. This article will provide valuable insight into the filming locations and the surrounding trivia.

Where it Filmed?

My Family Treasure was primarily shot in New York, USA and Siberia, Russia. On the other hand, despite its historically British settings, “My Fair Lady” was completely filmed in Los Angeles, California at the Warner Brothers’ studio in Burbank. Some prominent indoor locations replicated for the film include St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, and the iconic Ascot Racecourse.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Theodore Bikel Grandpa Danieloff
Bitty Schram Young Alexandra
Alex Vincent Jeff Danieloff
Melissa Perez Melissa Hope
Bill Weber Gregory Travin
Vadim Zakharchenko Vessily
Boris Lee Krutonog Preet
Howard Wiseman Station Master

Trivia and Facts

In “My Fair Lady”, the geographical locational details were creatively rearranged for the film’s convenience. For instance, in reality, the Royal Opera House stands on the opposite side of the Covent Garden from the church and faces the opposite direction, but in the film, these buildings all face the same square.

The marketplace area in the Covent Garden in the film was meant to signify a distinct world within the city, where rules were a bit relaxed – a place where market porters could have a pint at 6 am.

St. Paul’s Church, where the character Eliza Doolittle sold violets, was known as the Actors’ Church as it contains memorials for a number of well-known actors. The front of the church as portrayed in the movie is actually the rear.

In reproduction of the Ascot racecourse, the film team used actual horses to create a more authentic look. This meant opening studio doors on both sides for the horses to speed up and race through the set.

“My Family Treasure” tells a story of a mother’s journey to the Soviet Union to find a precious Fabergé egg. An interesting bit of trivia for that one is that actor Alex Vincent who plays Jeff in the film, was also in the Child’s Play film series; the doll Chucky from that series even made a cameo in the film.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.7127753
    • Longitude: -74.0059728
    • Place ID: ChIJOwg_06VPwokRYv534QaPC8g
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: New York, NY, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Location Name: Siberia, Russia
    • Latitude: 61.01370970000001
    • Longitude: 99.1966559
    • Place ID: ChIJO3rn9brrh1wRTEZnK5gSRCw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Siberia, Russia
    • Timezone: Asia/Krasnoyarsk