George of the Jungle (1997) Filming Locations and Cast Details

George of the Jungle (1997) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“George of the Jungle” is a film that was launched in 1998. This movie narrates the story of a man named George, who was raised by apes in the jungle, and falls in love with an American heiress. It discusses where the film was shot, the roles of different people in the film and interesting details about its making.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of “George of the Jungle” took place at various stunning locations. These include Kaua’i and Maui in Hawaii, USA, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in the San Francisco Bay, California, USA, and the Filoli Estate on the 86 Cañada Road, Woodside, California, USA. The film also includes scenes from the Middle Fork American River, California, USA. The film was shot from September 30, 1996, up until January 27, 1997.MV5BMTUyMzUwNzQ3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMDE4NDI3. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brendan Fraser George
Leslie Mann Ursula Stanhope
Thomas Haden Church Lyle Van de Groot
Richard Roundtree Kwame
Greg Cruttwell Max
Abraham Benrubi Thor
Holland Taylor Beatrice Stanhope
John Bennett Perry Arthur Stanhope
John Cleese An Ape Named ‘Ape’ (voice)
Michael Chinyamurindi N’Dugo
Abdoulaye NGom Kip
Keith Scott The Narrator (voice)
Spencer Garrett Male Guest at Party
Jon Pennell Male Guest at Party
Lauren Bowles Ursula’s Friend
Afton Smith Ursula’s Friend
Samantha Harris Ursula’s Friend
Joseph Lion
Bongo Lion
Tai Shep
Tookie Tookie
Scooper Tookie
Hopper Tookie
Binx Little Monkey
Zakery Little Monkey
Emely Little Monkey
Hans Schoeber Mercenary
Alexander Denk Mercenary
Peter F. Giddings TV Weatherman
Terilyn Joe TV Anchor
Michel Camus Cameraman
Valerie Perri TV Reporter
Carrie Zanoline Perfume Lady
Garrett Griffin Fireboat Captain
Harve Cook Bongo Drummer at Dance Studio
Noah John Cardoza George Jr.
Benjamin John Cardoza George Jr.
Denise Holland Dancer
Anne Fletcher Dancer
Sal Vassalo Dancer
Melanie Gage Dancer
Aurorah Allain Dancer
Diane Mizota Dancer
Lisa Ratzin Dancer
Joie Shettler Dancer
Robin Tasha-Ford Dancer
Margo Blas Caterer (uncredited)
Caesar Lion (uncredited)
Jake Gentry Caterer with Tray (uncredited)
Tim Glenn Waiter (uncredited)
Tress MacNeille Shep (uncredited) (voice)
Jewel McDonald Shop Owner (uncredited)
Crystal the Monkey Monkey (uncredited)
Bob Quinn Party Attendant (uncredited)
Mary Ann Schmidt Customer at Department Store (uncredited)
Frank Welker Lion / Little Monkey / Shep / Tooki Tooki Bird / Gorilla sound effects (uncredited) (voice)


Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is a PG-rated action-adventure film.
  • The film has a run-time of 1 hour and 32 minutes and was released on March 27, 1998.
  • It was directed by Sam Weisman and written by Jay Ward and Dana Olsen.
  • The lead stars were Brendan Fraser, Leslie Mann, and Thomas Haden Church.
  • Brendan Fraser played the role of George, Leslie Mann was Ursula Stanhope, and Thomas Haden Church was Lyle Van de Groot.
  • Other notable actors include Richard Roundtree who played Kwame, Greg Cruttwell as Max, and Abraham Benrubi as Thor.
  • The film had 1 win and 3 nominations in different awards.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Maui, Hawaii, USA
    • Latitude: 20.7983626
    • Longitude: -156.3319253
    • Place ID: ChIJ3WFMzEorVXkRfz4R3EHnQ8w
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Maui, Hawaii, USA
    • Timezone: Pacific/Honolulu
  • Location Name: San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco Bay, California, USA
    • Latitude: 37.7982799
    • Longitude: -122.3778182
    • Place ID: ChIJ8yqBQBOAhYARU-WeAqu8_K4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: San Francisco – Oakland Bay Bridge, San Francisco – Oakland Bay Brg, San Francisco, CA, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Filoli Estate – 86 Cañada Road, Woodside, California, USA
    • Latitude: 37.4697361
    • Longitude: -122.3106247
    • Place ID: ChIJ1RXyM62hj4ARp0jUvcR7yzw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Filoli Historic House & Garden, 86 Cañada Rd, Woodside, CA 94062, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
  • Location Name: Middle Fork American River, California, USA
    • Latitude: 38.96397552506117
    • Longitude: -120.9014800996615
    • Place ID: ChIJRZ863YgHm4ARHGpR2–DWSc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Middle Fork American River, California, USA
    • Timezone: America/Los_Angeles