Santamaria (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Santamaria (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Santamaria is a 2019 Sci-Fi Mystery movie that lasts for 1 hour and 25 minutes. It’s about a heartbroken young man who navigates the world of dating apps, once his girlfriend leaves him. The movie, directed and written by Alex Cherney, features Mitzi Akaha, Jenna Barbieri, and Caycee Black in key roles. This article will discuss where this film was shot, and will uncover some interesting facts about it.

Where it Filmed?

The principal photography for Santamaria took place in Long Island, New York, USA.MV5BM2Y1Y2EyN2ItMmJmZC00YjcyLWJjMDktNWQ0NTEyNjE4ZjkwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzA3MjE5ODE@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Mitzi Akaha Cora
Jenna Barbieri Haridresser
Caycee Black Candice
Dean Blechman Security Guard 3
Emma Bloch Dating App Participant 3
Tasha Boehm Diner Waitress
Alex Cherney Influencer 8
Madeline Cherney Plato’s Friend
Stuart Cherney Detective
Kevin Choumane Aym Stooge
Freja DelGuercio Dating App Participant 4
Wednesday Derrico Influencer 6
Pat Donohue Gameshow Host
Ford Elisa Influencer 2
Asha Etchison Gwenn
Sue Folan Delilah’s Date
Helen Gutowski Influencer 4
Lisa Tirone King Delilah
Keith Kovary Influencer 7
Noelle Kovary Influencer 1
Mariah Leath Sarah
Melanie Little Regina
Gabriella Lombardo Danielle
Cheyenne Lutek Dating App Participant 1
Max McBride Influencer 9
Martin Muller Yacht Chef
Jim Navarre Hedonist Friend 1
Bryan Nee Photographer
Karl Raseman Plato
Tom Redder Police Officer
Ed Remek Police Officer Voice
Al Reno Security Guard 1
Dale Robbins Hedonist Friend 3
Rhys Roffey Influencer 5
Kati Roper Dating App Participant 2
Melanie Rothman Lucy
Will Scarlett Influencer Harbor Date
Jessica-Brittany Smith Influencer 3
Todd Smith A.I. Voice
Dylan Walsh Security Guard 2
Kathy Walsh Hedonist Friend 2
Duke Williams Emmit
Kevin Paul Woods Jake Burns


Trivia and Facts

  • Santamaria released in 2019 and is a mix of mystery and sci-fi genres. Its runtime is 1 hour 25 minutes.
  • Alex Cherney wore multiple hats in this film, having not only written and directed it, but also took on the roles of executive producer, sound mixer, and visual effects artist.
  • Primary roles in the film are portrayed by Mitzi Akaha, Jenna Barbieri, and Caycee Black.
  • The cast also includes an ensemble of other artists listed alphabetically with performers like Dean Blechman as a security guard and Emma Bloch as a dating app participant.
  • The film’s plot revolves around Jake after his girlfriend dumps him. Struggling to understand the confusing world of dating apps, Jake comes across a unique app, leading him into a world of artificial intelligence-guided dating.
  • Despite being filmed in New York, a sudden blizzard on the first day of production led to a temporary alteration in the filming schedule. However, it provided the film with a visually snowy backdrop.
  • The language of the film is English.

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Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Long Island, New York, USA
    • Latitude: 40.789142
    • Longitude: -73.13496099999999
    • Place ID: ChIJy6Xu4VRE6IkRGA2UhmH59x0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Long Island, New York, USA
    • Timezone: America/New_York