Radioactive (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Radioactive (2019) Filming Locations and Cast Details

“Radioactive” is a movie released in 2019 that shows the extraordinary true story of Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her remarkable scientific achievements that transformed the world. The film, directed by Marjane Satrapi and staring Rosamund Pike as Marie Curie, presents fascinating information about the filming locations and behind-the-scenes facts. This article provides an engaging account of where the film was shot, who played what role, and introduces some interesting trivia about the movie and its production.

Where it Filmed?

The shooting of “Radioactive” took place in several impressive locations. Budapest and Esztergom, both located in Hungary, served as primary filming locations. Furthermore, more scenes were filmed at different places within Hungary. It also took filming crew to Desierto de Tabernas and Almería in Andalucía, Spain where specific scenes were shot. More details about the filming dates will be disclosed when available.MV5BNmYyNzhhM2MtOTNlNy00OGQzLThkMTItMmJiNjkwYjJhMDc3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDM2NDM2MQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Rosamund Pike Marie Curie
Yvette Feuer Carla
Ralph Berkin Doctor
Sam Riley Pierre Curie
Simon Russell Beale Professor Lippmann
Sian Brooke Bronia Sklodowska
Faye Bradbrook Bronia’s Maid
Drew Jacoby Loie Fuller
Aneurin Barnard Paul Langevin
Harriet Turnbull Young Marie
Georgina Rich Marie’s Mother
Elise Alexandre Young Bronia
Katherine Parkinson Jeanne Langevin
Dóra Köves Pierre’s Mother
Alexis Latham Gerard
Indica Watson Irène Aged 6
Federica Fracassi Eusapia
Demetri Goritsas Dr Jenkins
Charles Tumbridge Peter
Corey Johnson Adam
Péter Fancsikai Henrik
Paul Albertson Tibbets
Yasuhito Ishikawa Japanese Man
Arthur Bateman Young Pierre
Jennifer White Radium Dancer
Ema Yuasa Radium Dancer
Nicola Willis Radium Dancer
Acacia Schachte Radium Dancer
Joseph Kudra Radium Dancer
Robbie Moore Radium Dancer
Jonas Vanderkerckhove Radium Dancer
Oscar Ramos Radium Dancer
Richard Pepple Lester Jackson
Alex Bartram Daniel
Isabella Miles Ève Aged 4
Ariella Glaser Irène Aged 11
Martin Anzor Dimitri
Anya Taylor-Joy Irène Aged 18
Cara Bossom Ève Aged 11
Edward Davis Frédéric
Tim Woodward Alexandre
Tamás Szabó Bernard
Jonathan Aris Hetreed (uncredited)
Ed Fleroff (uncredited)
Michael Gould Judge Clark (uncredited)
Thanh-Huy Phan Hiroshima Citizen (uncredited)
Ferenc Iván Szabó Military Officer (uncredited)
Peter Sztojanov Jr. Engineer (uncredited)
Franciska Töröcsik Woman (uncredited)
Balázs Veres Paris Gentleman (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • “Radioactive” is a biography drama film run-time 1h 49min.
  • It was released on 26th August 2022 and had a PG-13 rating.
  • The film had the privilege of being directed by Marjane Satrapi and written by Jack Thorne along with Lauren Redniss.
  • Featured stars included Rosamund Pike, Yvette Feuer, and Mirjam Novak.
  • The film won an award and also had a nomination.
  • It received 237 user reviews and was critiqued by 117 critics.
  • Rosamund Pike masterfully played the role of Marie Curie, while Yvette Feuer brilliantly portrayed Carla, and Mirjam Novak as the Nurse.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Budapest, Hungary
    • Latitude: 47.497912
    • Longitude: 19.040235
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Budapest, Hungary
    • Timezone: Europe/Budapest
  • Location Name: Esztergom, Hungary
    • Latitude: 47.7883949
    • Longitude: 18.7434452
    • Place ID: ChIJI3kxsSdiakcRkzd5BQwYKr4
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Esztergom, Hungary
    • Timezone: Europe/Budapest
  • Location Name: Desierto de Tabernas, Almería, Andalucía, Spain
    • Latitude: 37.0012053
    • Longitude: -2.4503981
    • Place ID: ChIJh3EPK7ugeg0RWW9yVU5Wjsw
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Tabernas, 04260, Almería, Spain
    • Timezone: Europe/Madrid
  • Location Name: Almería, Andalucía, Spain
    • Latitude: 36.8512151
    • Longitude: -2.4521658
    • Place ID: ChIJwfLM7ACeeg0RXki8jh-gnY0
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Almería, Spain
    • Timezone: Europe/Madrid