In Search of a Midnight Kiss (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

In Search of a Midnight Kiss (2007) Filming Locations and Cast Details

In Search of a Midnight Kiss is a 2007 movie which combines comedy and romance. Cute fact: It was filmed in Austin, Texas, and Los Angeles, California, during the year 2006. The movie tells about a man named Wilson, going through toughest times, finally ends up meeting a strong woman. It stars actors like Scoot McNairy, Sara Simmonds, and Brian McGuire. Discover more about the making and captivating tidbits of the movie!

Where it Filmed?

The movie was filmed in two major American cities, Austin which is based in Texas and the famous Los Angeles, located in California. The filming took place during 2006. These locations play a significant role in shaping the scenes and setting the tone of the movie.MV5BMTQyMzMyMTY2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzQ1Mzc3MQ@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Scoot McNairy Wilson
Sara Simmonds Vivian
Robert Murphy Jack
Twink Caplan Wilson’s Mother
Bret Roberts Bui
Cindy Drummond Neighbor #2
Giorgio Pierangeli Maitre d’
Michael Pierangeli Young Boy
Bruce Jay Stevie
Stephanie Feury Jacob’s Mother
Julie Levin-Pierangeli Wilson’s Sister
Kennedy Rich-Collins Vivian’s Mother
Via Osgood Karen
Angel Diamond Subway Man with Roses
Nic Harcourt Radio DJ
Tony Morgan Gay Date Caller (voice)
Sandra Lindquist Divorce Date Caller (voice)
Regina Crosby Prostitute Caller (voice)
Billie Jo Bonner One of Kissing Couple
Jonathon Elbom One of Kissing Couple
Kelly Dealyn One of Kissing Couple
Jason Blue One of Kissing Couple
Amy Persaud One of Kissing Couple
Spencer Parsons One of Kissing Couple
Chris Rose One of Kissing Couple
Lynnann Nguyen One of Kissing Couple
Matt Bearden One of Kissing Couple
Emily Norman One of Kissing Couple
Steve Tarr One of Kissing Couple
Jennifer Davis One of Kissing Couple
Jeff Davis One of Kissing Couple
Gary Levin One of Kissing Couple
Cami Levin One of Kissing Couple
C.C. Boyce Kissing Couple (uncredited)
Mac N Dixon Kisser (uncredited)

Trivia and Facts

  • The movie is not rated and lasts for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • It bagged a total of 4 wins.
  • The main character Wilson is played by Scoot McNairy.
  • The film was released in the UK on June 13th, 2008.
  • Alex Holdridge not only directed the movie, but also wrote it.
  • The movie tells the story of a despondent man named Wilson who spent New Year’s eve without a date. But with the insistence of his friend Jacob, Wilson decides to change that.
  • The film contains several humorous and emotionally touching moments, making it not just another comedic romance film.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Austin, Texas, USA
    • Latitude: 30.267153
    • Longitude: -97.7430608
    • Place ID: ChIJLwPMoJm1RIYRetVp1EtGm10
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Austin, TX, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago

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