Dead South (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Dead South (2016) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Poor Dead South is a film released in 2016 that blends elements of action and drama genres. This movie, set in the aftermath of the American Civil War, tells the story of two vampires who fight to reclaim their land from the residents of a small Southern town. It offers intriguing roles portrayed by actors such as Matthew Marsden, Samuel Hunt, and John Savage and groundbreaking behind-the-scenes information about its production process.

Where it Filmed?

The filming of “Dead South” took place in the picturesque city of Natchez, located in Mississippi, United States. The dates on which the filming happened are not specified.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Matthew Marsden Hildegard Charmington
John Savage Stokes
Elizabeth McLaughlin Philomenia
Ray Stoney Griff
Nathanyael Grey Royce
Carl Gilliard Silas
Ritchie Montgomery Ferris
Dwight Williams Michael
Dale Gibson Jim Everette
Rusty Jenkins Union Doctor
Myke Michaels Potion Man
Michael Anthony Black Worker
Jake Brown Confederate Soldier
Jared DePasquale Zombie Eater
Gloria Gonnillini Plantation Owners wife
Nick Hermz Vampire guard
Chris Jackson Eater in bar
Chris Newman Father Charmington
Michael Ray Confederate Soldier
Gabrielle Richardson Charmington Sister
Erik Schultz Homeguard Leader
Douglas Tait Avan
Robert Sizemore Townsman (uncredited)

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Trivia and Facts

  • Directed by Craig Ross Jr., the movie shines a light on the horrors of the Civil War with an added twist of the supernatural.
  • This movie showcases the interesting performances of not only the main cast members such as Matthew Marsden, Samuel Hunt, and John Savage but also a supporting cast that brought the story to life.
  • Vampire Wars and Soldier’s Civil War are other titles that the film is known by.
  • A host of people contributed significantly off-screen to the production of the film, including writers like Jerry Quickley, Music composer Doug Maxwell, and Costume Designer Camille Jumelle.
  • The film was produced by Harrington Productions and distributed by Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and SP Distribution.
  • It is categorized as ‘R’ which requires parental guidance for viewers under 17.

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