Land of Doom (1986) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Land of Doom (1986) Filming Locations and Cast Details

The 1986 film “Land of Doom” is an Action and Adventure film that was set in a post-nuclear war world. The film’s protagonists are a feminist warrior and a mercenary who are seeking a legendary paradise while battling hordes of bandits. The movie’s main characters are played by Deborah Rennard, Garrick Dowhen, Daniel Radell and many more. Understanding the behind-the-scenes facts of this movie can provide a unique perspective on its creation.

Where it Filmed?

“Land of Doom” was filmed in the country of Turkey. The movie’s shooting was undertaken in 1984, over a period of one year. Every element of the movie’s production, from the choice of location to set design, played a quintessential role in shaping the look and feel of the movie.MV5BMjA0NzY1OTM2Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzQ2NjE2NA@@. V1 QL75 UX820

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Deborah Rennard Harmony
Garrick Dowhen Anderson
Daniel Radell Demister / Slater
Frank Garret Purvis
Richard Allen Halsey
Bruno Chambon Man in Cabin
Ellen Caborn Village Woman
Sondra Farrell Village Woman
Keith Bordie Raider
Robie Stein Raider
Jason Koch Raider
Joseph Costello Raider
Sandy Goldman Raider’s Girl
Barbara Goldberg Raider’s girl
Richard D. Cade Bodyguard
Ken Jacobson Bodyguard #3
Rickey Curtis Bodyguard #2
Tom Vermig Village fighter
Thomas Bordie Village fighter
Carlo Goldmith Village fighter
Coskun Gögen
Brenda Hughes (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • For actors Deborah Rennard and Daniel Radell, “Land of Doom” was their film debut.
  • This was the final movie of co-star Garrick Dowhen’s career.
  • Frank Garret, who was fourth-billed, only made this movie in his career as of 2020.
  • An interesting goof in the movie is where the leader of the antagonists rides a motorbike, even though he supposedly has his left hand fingers cut off, which would render him incapable of operating the clutch.
  • The movie “Land of Doom” is referenced in the movie “Adjust Your Tracking” released in 2013.


Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Turkey
    • Latitude: 38.963745
    • Longitude: 35.243322
    • Place ID: ChIJcSZPllwVsBQRKl9iKtTb2UA
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Türkiye
    • Timezone: Europe/Istanbul