Game Boys (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Game Boys (2008) Filming Locations and Cast Details

Game Boys is a funny romantic movie from 2008, that took about 1 hour and 52 minutes of your time. It showcases the adventure of Scott and Ray, two guys who adore playing video games. Figure out where the movie was filmed, who played the characters, and uncover more exciting tidbits about the movie and its behind-the-scenes.

Where it Filmed?

The Game Boys movie was filmed in Springfield, Illinois, USA. Unfortunately, specific filming dates were not available for this movie. The whole filming process took place in a single location, which made it quite interesting and unique.

Cast Details

Cast Name Role
Brad Jones Scott
Alex Shryock Ray
Bianca Queen Sally
Jake Norvell Steve
Nick Foster Art
Jerrid Foiles Carter
Mike Rudolph Richardson
Tori Zimmerli Nora
Brian Irving Virtual Boyd
Jillian Zurawski Dani
Samantha Allen Brenda
Jonny Love Buford
Russ Harrington Philip M. Wiswell
Robert Shankland TV Repairman
Dona Foster Scott’s Mom
Bat ‘Batman’ Baxter Video Store Employee
Oger Video Store Employee
Zach Game Store Employee
Sooki Self (uncredited)


Trivia and Facts

  • The theft of Steve’s car radio in the movie was based on a real-life incident. The car radio of actor Jake Norvell was actually stolen shortly before the shoot.
  • The movie actually features the game Pac-Man from 1980.
  • One of the lines in the movie, after Scott loses Custer’s Revenge once again, is “This game is like life, you know? It sucks.”, which added humor to the plot.

Geo Location Details

  • Location Name: Springfield, Illinois, USA
    • Latitude: 39.78172130000001
    • Longitude: -89.6501481
    • Place ID: ChIJd9HbJB05dYgRIm2ozO6CLOc
    • Map Link: Google Map
    • Place Address: Springfield, IL, USA
    • Timezone: America/Chicago

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